Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

WTB: Several coins (almost anything) in the $1.00-$25.00/each range.

Hi, I'm looking to buy several coins valued at $1.00 - $25.00 each with hopefully the bulk of them being in the $2-$14 range. The more variety the better. I just ask for realistically decent prices and not something that would insult the average board member.

I'm not interested in modern stuff, or stuff that's easily found in bulk (ie- common circulated indians, wheats, buffalo, v nickels, average common barbers, or average 90% silver).

Some examples of what I would want (but not limited to) are...
Low or mid grade of the following (minor culls possible if it's a better variety and/or with the right price cut, but please no 'extreme' culls. would prefer to avoid culls all together.):
Bust anything
Seated anything
any flying eagle/any large cent/half cent
2 cent/3 cent
Shield nicks
F12+ barbers
Higher grade V nicks
scarce date 90% silver
scarce date anything else

The wider the variety the better, and the only thing I ask is a full list of each coin and price of each coin that i can pick from

Thanks - Rob
Please help with Robert's brain tumor surgery fund....Every single dollar counts....RobertMillerFoundation.org


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