my email to ebay about counterfit ripken minor lg rc's........

Please explain to me how this seller (bigboydsportscards3) is selling fake Minor lg Cal Ripken rc's & his auctions never get pulled. I'm the # 1 minor lg seller in the United States & a authority on Minor Lg cards & all his Cal Ripken Minor Lg rc's he list are fakes. He's allowed to rip off ebayer after ebayer with counterfit cards for 100's of dollars at a time. Please explain this to me? I know your answer will probably be you will look into it but I know his auctions been reported MANY times. He just sold a a Ripken card yesterday for over $700 & it was 100% fake. How do you think the buyer feels when he gets the card?? I understand your position on protecting the consumer & thats great but how about protecting everyone.
Read this thread I started HERE
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