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Anyone know what this is ?

Damn , what did I do with that picture ??!!


  • I can't see a picture, but are you talking about Ozzie Canseco? If so, it's Jose's twin brother.
    My Topps Heritage site.
  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    Ah ha ha ha . . is that for real ?
    Yea man , I live under a rock . . it's all good
    Thanks .

    Edited to say . .
    I guess it's safe to say I never even heard of the guy . .
    What a shame .
    As far as yer not being able to see the pics and your red X, I think your security settings might be set too high ??
    For some reason it isn't allowing images ,.
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