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Ripken Minor League counterfeit on ebay

If you are in the market for a Ripken minor league card, don't buy one from BigBoyd Sports Cards as he seems to have quite a few counterfeits to sell.

ebay link

This is at least the 3rd one he's sold this year. He also seems to have a lot of Star and '88, '89 Starting LineUp cards for sale, which are known to be widely counterfeited.

Check out the Ripken in the Minors website to see how to spot the fakes.


  • fandangofandango Posts: 2,622
    interesting he made that auction private...
  • Thanks for posting.

    Report him.
  • this is his 6th one he has put up for auction. not a good guy!
  • tunahead08tunahead08 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭
    Yeah I thought it was funny that he made the auction private as well. He did the last one that way too. He also has an auction for a Kirby Puckett Visalia Oaks minor league card that is private. Anyone have info on how to spot counterfeits for that card?

    I did report him... again, but ebay didn't do anything about the last one he sold. It went for around $650.
  • tunahead08tunahead08 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭
    Up to $510 now... very sad.
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Where is ripkenintheminors when you need him. He is an expert on this card.
  • ripkenintheminorsripkenintheminors Posts: 2,186 ✭✭✭
    It's fake. This guy has been selling tons of counterfeit WBTV cards since I started tracking them in the fall of '06. At a price of anywhere from $500-$1,000 a shot we're talking some serious cash to say the least. Ebay wants nothing to do with my concerns and the fact that the bidder ID is hidden isn't an accident at all.

    I hate seeing people get ripped off like this, especially while the information is available.
  • Got a few to report it here ebay msg board

    Sadly nothing will happen. I guess someone will have to email winner at auctions end and all potential second chance bidders.
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    all this auction needs now is a $10,000 dollar bid
  • tunahead08tunahead08 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭
    $726 final sale price image
  • ripkenintheminorsripkenintheminors Posts: 2,186 ✭✭✭
    Ebay once again dropped the ball. For the record, I did check with ebay to see what had become of the past auctions being reported. I was told that they had been provided with numerous links to a site called Ripken in the Minors (ha ha) and various links to message boards with people expressing concern for quite awhile. They said their Safety and Trust group had considered the evidence and has concluded that there is not enough evidence to pull the WBTV cards in question. For what it's worth the message also said that numerous auctions from this guy have been pulled by ebay. Must be nice to have a stack of cards selling at $750-$1000 a shot. It's like winning the lottery every week.
  • tunahead08tunahead08 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭
    Hopefully PSA has fully checked out your site now and will be able to recognize the fakess if/when they come to them (unlike the WTF ones).
  • I asked the seller:
    "Would you guarantee that this card wasn't a reprint or a fake because it looks like it might be."
    His response was:
    "No.I am on Disability right now,and suppliment my income with sell of some antiques,car parts & Sports stuff.Thanks for your interest.God Bless David W Ewing"

    I just love it when people rip others off behind the shroud of religion.
  • ripkenintheminorsripkenintheminors Posts: 2,186 ✭✭✭
    There are really only a couple of things that I can see being done to better enable the people willingly dropping tons of cash without doing their homework.

    1) Buy one of the fakes and leave negative feedback after getting a 3rd party grader to confirm what we already know

    2) Have someone with a fake sell the card with a warning about counterfeits in the sig. Odds are good that the people buying these are following additional auctions to see how the prices are fluctuating. If someone posted a fake, explained how to spot a fake and included a link then maybe the wheels would get rolling.

    Then again, it may not do any good at all.
  • Hmm..he told me this..

    Sorry for the delay in response, we were out of the office a couple days. This item is being sold on consignment. Item is being sold with a guarantee of authenticity with 100% money back guarantee.

    Soooooo 2post up he says no guarantee and tells me yes guarantee? Looks like 2 people replying to emails and they dont have their policies straight.
  • These aren't new fakes by any means. There were four or five different sellers selling a ton of this type of stuff a year or two ago and we did an article in SCD about it after purchasing a bunch of them and confirming they were fakes. They are using really rare minor league cards, SLU and even some Star Co. stuff that people don't normally see and rebuilding the cards, meaning some of the fonts aren't even correct. This seller, along with RedZone were two of the dirty ones back then and they've apparently been sitting on them waiting for the dust to settle. We contacted the FBI on this, but it wasn't a big enough case for them to worry about.
    Steven Bloedow
    Collect Auctions


    This item was sold on consignment and after reviewing all the information we have informed the buyer we believe the item to not be authentic and will not require the buyer to purchase the item. Thanks for bringing this information to us.

    As for the "No.I am on Disability right now,and suppliment my income with sell of some antiques,car parts & Sports stuff.Thanks for your interest.God Bless David W Ewing".... That is not from us. Not sure who David Ewing is, that response had nothing to do with us and was either made up or someone confused a response from another seller.

    We pride ourselves on selling high quality and authentic items. Our reputation speaks for itself. We apologize for the inconvenience it has caused anyone. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact us at bigboyd3@aol.com or 513-779-2356.

    Thank you.

    Terry Boyd
    - BigBoyd Sports Cards

  • ripkenintheminorsripkenintheminors Posts: 2,186 ✭✭✭

    What's really amusing about all of this is that the ebay Safety & Trust Department needed more evidence to prove it's a fake and the seller himself ultimately acknowledged it was a fake.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Ripken collector, thanks for letting us know about the ebay message board thread. I'm happy I got to say my piece. Guess which one is me?

    (hint: it's the one that tells him to jump in a hole and die.)

    My only hope is that people will actually see this and stop buying from the guy, or that ebay sees it and puts him out of business.

  • The more people that know the better.

    The "I recant because I got caught" thing. Hmm. yeah. ok.

    I wish PSA would leave the first post for "tacked" for threads like this. It would benefit us the collectors and them as a company.
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Chalk one up for the good guys. I bet he was pissed about the eBay forum thread that is going to cost him $1,000 a month in counterfeit sales. There needs to be a new thread about the SLU and Star cards to spread the word and force him to fess up to them. Put this jerk out of buisness.
  • ripkenintheminorsripkenintheminors Posts: 2,186 ✭✭✭
    It will be interesting to see where things go from here. Eventually someone at some point will start to list some of the fakes from the supply. In addition, you've got unknowing collectors who have a fake copy of this card that think it's real. Eventually we'll see them go up for sale again. The biggest disappointment with this is that the Safety and Trust Department at ebay was nowhere to be found through all of this and the Ripken fakes is just scratching the surface. Ebay claimed there was not enough evidence to even suspend the auctions, despite commenting on numerous reports and links to my site and other articles and/or message boards. What really troubles me is that according to some dialogue I have acquired on copy with an ebay supervisor, there have been numerous auctions pulled from the seller. How many strikes should a guy get?

    On another note, I see in that thread on ebay that a guy who bought one of the fakes last fall has made an appearance. I would like to think that we're going to be dedicated in doing what we can in helping him get his cash back.
  • jaderockjaderock Posts: 185 ✭✭
    Very interesting read...thanks for all the info.
    Most complete single player collection: ULTIMATE MARK BRUNELL COLLECTION
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