Home Metal Detecting

Technical help needed

Hi, I'm new to this forum so I hope this is the place to ask.

My first mistake, purchasing something like a used metal dectetor off of E-bay. Anyway, I purchased an old Whites Coin Master, probably one of the first made. Fortunately I did not pay much for it ($30 to exact). Unfortunately, I can't get the thing to work. All indications are it should be working but I can get no sound from it. Perhaps headphones would work, if I had headphones with a jack that would fit it.

What I need to know is there any place to get the parts for these things beside White themselves or ebay? I would love to purchase a new one, but just can't afford it at this time. So, my next best thing is a used machine and, since I had one of these back in the early 80's, I just assumed that this would still be in good working condition. Wrong! My second mistake, I purchased it off ebay. LOl!

If any of you have technical experience with these old machines I would appreciate some inupt. Thanks,



  • To be honest with you....you may well have enough money in the thing by the time you get it fixed, to have bought a decent low end machine...There are just so many things that could be wrong with it.
  • kevinstangkevinstang Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭
    I had an old Garrett (master hunter 5 or something like that) that I sold on ebay that I couldn't get the sound to work on either- the winning bidder emailed me they got it to work fine (the sound)- the end of an old plug was broken off in the headphone jack. Might be something you want to check on the machine- since then I have started using headphones on my newer Garrett and have nearly broken off a couple ends myself accidentally.
  • Thanks, I will take a close look at that. Many years ago I also had a Garretts Groundhog (in 82 I think) and it was a great machine also. Appreciate it!
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