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New Post Office Charges?

I emailed a seller who's listing a single pack of cards with shipping of $7.99. That's clearly out of line. This was his response:

"I ship priority with delivery confirmation. They raised the rates of bubble mailers to $1.31 but will not let you use delivery confirmation because the package is less than 1/2 inch thick so in order to get a tracking number I have to use Priority w/ delivery confirmation which is expensive."

Is that legit? What does it cost to ship something with DC these days?


  • No, You can get DC on a package as long as it is 3/4 of an inch thick. All the seller would have to do is add a packing peanut and it will be more than thick enough.

    The basice padded mailed went up to 80 cents at the lowest rate, not 1.30. The 1.30 is on small boxes and envelopes over 3/4 of an inch thick or a larger size.

    To get DC at the PO it is almost 2.00 to ship it. Printing postage online is alot cheaper but has its drawbacks as the items is only scanned on delivery so until that happens it looks like you have not shipped the item.
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,587 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Where priority is concerned, distance plays into it too. But in the worst case, lets say N.Y. to CA., up to 1 pound (im assuming your pack of cards even when packaged would be less than a pound) would cost $4.60 priority and $0.65 cents Delivery Conf. (and Delivery Conf. is free on priority packages if he uses stamps.com or the like) If it were between 1 pound and 2 pounds it would cost $7.50 Priority + DC
  • If he is shipping Priority with delivery confirmation than the shipping charge isnt completely out of whack. is it an expensive pack? something that requires such expensive shipping.
  • packCollectorpackCollector Posts: 2,786 ✭✭✭

    << <i>The basice padded mailed went up to 80 cents at the lowest rate, not 1.30. >>

    not surethat is correct either. 1st class mail for 1 graded card in a bubble mailer is 1.47 plus .18 dc if you ship if on line it used to be 77 cents plus 18 cents so the base postage almost doubled. a bubble mailer can no longer be shipped regular 1st class mail since it is not machinable and they consider it a package.
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    Leiascards, are you saying you can ship a bubble mailer for $2 including delivery confirmation?

    Regardless, $7.99 seems out of line to me.

    Here's the auction, if anyone cares. I already have the card, but it'd be worth a couple bucks to get it in the package.

    Link. Does anyone know what kind of a package that is? I just assumed the Hot Gloves cards were inserts in regular wax/foil packs.
  • My PO charges me 80 cents for bubble mailers unless the item is sent with DC which I rarely use unless the item is over 15.00. If it is sent with DC it has to go First Class Parcel which starts at 1.30 They ship them under the retail flat rate which is for mailers more that 1/4 inch thick but less than 3/4 thick. I ship from 4 different POs and they all charge the same way.

  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭
    I have seen a lot of talk here about the 1/2 inch requirement and was very interested as I was about to list part of my collection when the increase took effect.

    However I have seen nothing in Paypal shipping about a thickness requirement. In fact there has been no change other than the increased prices. In order to make sure that I didn't miss something I have been checking delivery status on all packages over the last few weeks. Paypal shipping requires DC which costs 18 cents. A no brainer if you ask me and certainly helps if a package does not make it to its destination. All of my smaller orders, some a raw card in a toploader, some graded cards, were shipped in #0 bubble mailers. All made it safely and were tracked. I'm sure that some were not 1/2 inch in thickness.

    Perhaps those who ship from a post office run into these problems but I have not in using Paypal shipping.

    Knock on wood. image

    FYI - I charge $5.50 for Priority Mail. You can ship a "couple or three" graded cards in a flat rate envelope. I also picked up the Priority Mail video tape boxes that will hold up to six graded cards and come in under the 1 pound $4.60 rate for first level P. Mail. These boxes are great for shipping cards and of course are free from USPS. I guess that I could charge more for shipping and may after this latest round of sales, but this price seems fair at the moment. It seems to bring back satisfied customers for the current items that I'm selling.
  • First class Parcel starts at 1.13 actually so one raw card will go in the 1.13-1.30 range and I print my DC online most of the time so it is alot cheaper when I go to the PO and get it I think it is now 75 cents so depending on where it falls in the bracket I can ship one for 1.88 to 2.05
  • You have always been able to get DC on any item shipped through online services, but if you go retail the 3/4 inch requirement has been there for years.

    On another board a guy came in when the rates were first announced, come to find out his PO had never charged him a surcharge on BMs over 1/4 of an inch, even though they have been suppoused to be charging that for years.

  • I'll find out in a bit gotta run to the PO shortly then get ready for work.

  • << <i>Leiascards, are you saying you can ship a bubble mailer for $2 including delivery confirmation?

    Regardless, $7.99 seems out of line to me.

    Here's the auction, if anyone cares. I already have the card, but it'd be worth a couple bucks to get it in the package.

    Link. Does anyone know what kind of a package that is? I just assumed the Hot Gloves cards were inserts in regular wax/foil packs. >>

    That is a 1994 Flair pack they were cellophane wrapped inside a small box/pack and came 24 packs to a box. juat got this hot glove back from PSA.
  • OK back fromthe PO, if the item is more than 3/4 of an inch thcik it has to be mailed under the new First Class Parcel which starts at 1.13 and can have DC added for 75 cents.

    THinner items can be shipped under First Class large envelope, which starts at 80 cents and cannot get DC on it at the PO, but can get online tracking.
  • MooseDogMooseDog Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭
    I'll also confirm...you an ship a bubble mailer which is less than 3/4" thick starting at 80 cents for up to one ounce. You cannot get delivery confirmation added though. In order to get DC, even if your package is LESS than 3/4" thick you are charged at the "starting at $1.13 rate". Basically, if you don't want DC you can ship one slabbed card for 97 cents postage.

    If you are confused, don't feel to bad. I've been going to the same PO for years and they are still using big reference charts on each counter.

    In reference to the original post, the shipping charge is still high, but really not super out of whack let's assume a few things such as he doesn't print online postage and buys his bubble mailers or boxes at full retail - $4.60 + .75 + 1.00 = $6.33 plus the dreaded "handling fee". Of course there is always the possibility he'll say he's shipping Priority and then ships First Class and pockets the difference.
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