Home Metal Detecting

Another first for a large cent....

kevinstangkevinstang Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭
Weather has been warm and dry up here in NY and ground is already getting pretty hard so I haven't done much detecting. Decided to hit a local school yard for a few hours- I know several others had already detected it in the past, so I wasn't expecting much. For the first hour or so only found about $1 worth of modern stuff, then I hit a corner of the playground near entrance and found a wheatie- 1942. A short while later I thought I had popped another dirty quarter- then I noticed - George V !


That was a surprise, flipped it over- 1917- first Canadian large cent I have ever dug! Here's the reverse:


Going into a potato now, ended up finding two more wheats- a 52-D and 56, had my hopes up maybe for some silver, will have to go back again sometime and give it another work over. Happy Hunting!


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