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New swiss coin what a knockout!

Sure its "modern crap", but I like it!

MS66 taste on an MS63 budget.


  • I like it. It's mini-me and his mom taking a nude sunbath.

    Seriously though, doesn't it seem foreign coins are much more artsy looking than boring U.S. coins?
  • JoesMaNameJoesMaName Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭
    Nice coin - and in 48 we had just removed our last artistic coin with the Roosevelt dime image...
    Oh well.

    The obverse looks to have some kind of doubling on the Helvetia - easily seen on the first 'E', top of the 'H' and on the 'T'
    Could just be die clatter but still looks pretty strong.

  • Hardly modern in my book, very nice...... image

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