So I was thinking of starting a new name///

And I need some help thinking of it. Like a radio contest, except you win nothing (aside from the acclaim of having chosen the most popular name).
It's time to retire the name ORANGE and I need your help, cmon, CDs I know you have some aids to give:
It's time to retire the name ORANGE and I need your help, cmon, CDs I know you have some aids to give:
Sweet Morsels Toffee and Chocolates
<< <i>And I need some help thinking of it. Like a radio contest, except you win nothing (aside from the acclaim of having chosen the most popular name).
It's time to retire the name ORANGE and I need your help, cmon, CDs I know you have some aids to give: >>
How about "RED X" ? Or "The Big Red X "
Or How about Witch Hunt ? Or Human Interface or Interchange ?
The problem I have with trying to choose a name for you is I don't know too much about ya .
If you were a Brave Criminal I'd choose Courageous Convictions , But I guess if you were a D.A. or a Judge you could alsio use that name . . . . Try it on , see if it fits < Shrug >
I love to write so I could play with something like this for quite some time .
Good luck in your search for the perfect name .
I wanted to use my Full AOL Screen name for my name here but I guess it had too many characters so I just made it a lil bit shorter .
Hes TNT on PMS <~~~
Oh ! How about Kid Candalance ?? That is a very Bright and shining name .
1) It's your quote and not taken out of context
2) It's obviously true based upon xbaggy's auction results (poor xbaggy)
3) It suits your personality
Alternatives: "Spawn of axtell/Tinkerbell" or "Spawn of jgarci"
<< <i>How about "I do know more than the average person about baseball cards."?
1) It's your quote and not taken out of context
2) It's obviously true based upon xbaggy's auction results (poor xbaggy)
3) It suits your personality
Alternatives: "Spawn of axtell/Tinkerbell" or "Spawn of jgarci" >>
you forgot Gary2....
What do you think?
<< <i>you forgot Gary2.... >>
He hasn't scammed this community and I honestly don't ever foresee him being in a position to do such a horrible act.
Having said that, I nominate ORANGE to organize a Tristar Hidden Treasures case rip. He can choose the vendor, handle the money, and distribute the packs/boxes. Due to it's limited production, I strongly suggest making the commitment ASAP.
In case you didn't know, according to numerous auction titles, they are the HOTTEST THING ON EBAY - L@@K!!1! W@W!
Nothing rhymes with ORANGE . . . .
Blanco . . . . Nyenta . . . Squat
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
TFPFKAO for those of us of who are hip.
Two choices, one of which has been mentioned -
An English word that rhymes with orange, and don't post again until you have made a decision...
in keeping with the sour, citrus, theme which seems to fit...cumquat or kumquat. Pick a spelling.
"All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
If you dont like it, you can get saucy and go with "Mandarin Orange Chicken with Almonds"!!
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>"A fruit by any other name would smell as sweet" >>
Would it also smell as fishy?
Personally, I like the name sh*tlips, or you could go with the universally accepted "jicky-jack"
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
<< <i>Personally, I like the name sh*tlips, or you could go with the universally accepted "jicky-jack" >>
I vote for either of these!
"5150" ?eh
"No use for a name"
"This name was given to me"
"Tri-Star fan"
"Guy above me is Dum" ---Yeah, use that one.
"ignore me"
I liked this one "TFPFKAO"
or how about "insert name here"
"Baseball Card knower"
or something off the wall and only makes sence to 3 other people in the world like your previous ramblings/song quotes- "Ice cream has no bones" or " X12 " for short.
How about Dumass, like the A & W commercial?
Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12
Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)