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How would you handle?

If you were a buyer and paid a seller through Pay Pal and after a period of 10 days or so you did not recieve your card would you first contact the Buyer or file a claim through Pay Pal.
I am not a Power Seller by no means just a serious collector that sells a cards periodically.My Feedbacks are at 99.9 after over 2000 transactions 1 NEG from a jerk in all this time.
I recently sent cards out and after 10 days the buyer filed a claim against me indicating he had not recieved the cards I had sent out by Priority Mail with confirmed delivery without notifying me first.I felt blind sided when I went into my Pay Pal Acount to pay for a recent winning and noticed this claim.I had no prior contacts prior to this and had I not gone into my account which at times I do not go into for several days or even weeks I may not have known and the buyer no doubt would have posted NEG FEEDBACK.

As a buyer how would you have handled.As a seller I did refund the transaction even though I had Confirmation of delivery in order to keep my reputation clean as it was not going to break me.

Your opinions appreciated,Tony


  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    10 days is way too quick to file anything. Unfortunately many of the feebay sellers don't make quick shipping a priority.

    Send the seller a polite email and ask for the status of the card.

  • jskirwinjskirwin Posts: 700 ✭✭✭

    << <i>10 days is way too quick to file anything. Unfortunately many of the feebay sellers don't make quick shipping a priority.

    Send the seller a polite email and ask for the status of the card. >>

    Agree 100%. Buyer sounds like a jerk, but stick with the high road in dealing with him.
  • Ladder7Ladder7 Posts: 1,221
    Your syntax is a wee bit confusing. I take it you're the seller;

    This guy is a pain in the butt. Wait for the fire to die down a little... You,unfortunately have to swallow your pride and cool heads will prevail.

    Most reasonable folk would agree to have feedback withdrawn. Many new buyers have no idea how much a neg. can affect a sellers account. Offer to send him a token of appreciation as a sign of your sincerity; A chance to dump your Sheffield rookie, great.

    This approach worked twice in my experience. Good luck.
  • How long did it take you to send the item?

    Ebay allows the a buyer to file after 10 days, so it might be a reasonable amount of time. I've received almost all my items within 2-5 days after it was sent. One of my pet peeves is sellers who charge $5-$8 for priority mail for a card worth less than $5 - and then they wait up to a week to actually put it in the mail. First class never takes longer than priority mail. So why am I paying a premium???

    Anyway, from a buyers perspective, 10 days is enough time. However, I always send an email to the seller asking when the item was mailed. The seller almost always responds, and I start counting from the day the item was actually mailed.

    BTW, as a seller, I always mail an item within 24 hours of receiving payment. (Unless it was a late Saturday sale - then it goes out first thing Monday AM.)
    << image >>
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭

    if my first reply confuses you, well I am now confused after reading your edited post...image

    10 days is too quick for anyone to file anything. If anything he/she should have sent you an inquiry first.
  • fiveninerfiveniner Posts: 4,111 ✭✭✭

    << <i>How long did it take you to send the item?

    Ebay allows the a buyer to file after 10 days, so it might be a reasonable amount of time. I've received almost all my items within 2-5 days after it was sent. One of my pet peeves is sellers who charge $5-$8 for priority mail for a card worth less than $5 - and then they wait up to a week to actually put it in the mail. First class never takes longer than priority mail. So why am I paying a premium???

    Anyway, from a buyers perspective, 10 days is enough time. However, I always send an email to the seller asking when the item was mailed. The seller almost always responds, and I start counting from the day the item was actually mailed.

    BTW, as a seller, I always mail an item within 24 hours of receiving payment. (Unless it was a late Saturday sale - then it goes out first thing Monday AM.) >>

    I send out same day as payment or next with notification to the buyer.Mailed 5/21 delivered 5/23.
  • fiveninerfiveniner Posts: 4,111 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Your syntax is a wee bit confusing. I take it you're the seller;

    This guy is a pain in the butt. Wait for the fire to die down a little... You,unfortunately have to swallow your pride and cool heads will prevail.

    Most reasonable folk would agree to have feedback withdrawn. Many new buyers have no idea how much a neg. can affect a sellers account. Offer to send him a token of appreciation as a sign of your sincerity; A chance to dump your Sheffield rookie, great.

    This approach worked twice in my experience. Good luck. >>

    I guess its my Italian Heritage.Syntax is net best best quality by far,but I try.

    Appreciate the reply however.Thanks,Tony
  • 10 days is waaaay to quick to file. whats his handle so i can ban him from bidding i dont need to deal with this person
  • earlycalguyearlycalguy Posts: 1,247 ✭✭
    so the item is shown as delivered from usps and you refunded his money. maybe i am not reading your info correctly. if it's shown as delivered why would you refund his money?
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I'd send Pandrews over to his house to kick his butt.

    10 days? geez appears that buyer has no patience.

    Good for you.
  • SDavidSDavid Posts: 1,584 ✭✭
    First class mail can be all over the place in terms of delivery time. Ten days is much too early to file anything. The buyer is a loser and needs to find a female companion...fast! Either that, or he received the card and noticed that the delivery confirmation label wasn't scanned, which would explain why he didn't email you first.
  • fiveninerfiveniner Posts: 4,111 ✭✭✭

    << <i>so the item is shown as delivered from usps and you refunded his money. maybe i am not reading your info correctly. if it's shown as delivered why would you refund his money? >>

    I figured that if he didnt have the courtesy to notify me about any problem he would not hesitate to post NEG FEEDBACK either and for the amount it wasnt worth to have my reptutation jepordized.Since I am not a Power Seller I need the best reputation I can get.
    Who knows this jerk still might give me negative feedback just the same.

    Thanks for your response,Tony.
  • I received a card 15 days after I paid with Paypal. The seller shipped the card 2 days after I won it. Can you believe that it took the po that long! I live in the middle of the U.S. too so things take 7 days at the very most "normally".
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "If it's shown as delivered why would you refund his money? "


    I do not understand that either.
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