Question about a SHMO eBay notice <- It's legit (update)

This showed up in my email and eBay messages (I did the Xs):
<< <i>SHMO NOTICE: eBay Auction X Cancelled - Results Null and Void
Hello X
The following is a courtesy notice from eBay Trust & Safety regarding:
Item Number - X
Item Title - X
Our records show that you bid on this listing. We have removed the listing from eBay because it violated eBay policy. You are not required to complete the transaction. The seller is free to relist the item in accordance with eBay's online policies. If the seller relists the item, you are free to bid on that item.
For more information on eBay policies please visit:
If you have additional questions, please use the "Contact Us" link found on eBay Help pages.
Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department) >>
I looked through my past auctions but the item number doesn't come up.
I've never received this email before so I'm a tad confused... Insight?
<< <i>SHMO NOTICE: eBay Auction X Cancelled - Results Null and Void
Hello X
The following is a courtesy notice from eBay Trust & Safety regarding:
Item Number - X
Item Title - X
Our records show that you bid on this listing. We have removed the listing from eBay because it violated eBay policy. You are not required to complete the transaction. The seller is free to relist the item in accordance with eBay's online policies. If the seller relists the item, you are free to bid on that item.
For more information on eBay policies please visit:
If you have additional questions, please use the "Contact Us" link found on eBay Help pages.
Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department) >>
I looked through my past auctions but the item number doesn't come up.
I've never received this email before so I'm a tad confused... Insight?
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
<< <i>Most likely phishing. I hope you didn't log in through a link in the email. >>
No, through my messages in eBay... That's why I'm confused
Edited to add: The only link is the one shown above, which I didn't click.
<< <i>
Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department)
Yeah, I think the Trust & Safety Department of Ebay has gone into the business of phishing...
If it was a spoof, I must give MAJOR props on their cleverness:
1) Listed a card I've been chasing
2) Looked official
3) Only had two links, each showing direct links (allegedly) to eBay
Last but certainly not least
4) Was in my eBay messages
Almost had me fooled
MANY of the latest phishing plots are sent directly
through My Messages.
When the "respond" button is clicked, a fake sign-in
screen appears; if you log in, your number is stolen.
EBAY made a huge mistake by allowing EVERYBODY
to use the EBAY developer tools. The same tools that
allow toolhaus and goofbay to help folks, are now
being used by crooks to steal from folks.
The title is a card I've been chasing for a while, so that's why I first thought it was legit.
The email contains my email address and eBay name; however, it doesn't show my real name.
For a somewhat update:
I sent spoof, customer service, and report emails to eBay when I first posted this. Still no response.
Also, when I changed my password and got a confirmation email, it looked almost EXACTLY like the spoof... I mean scary close.
The item will not show up in results as it was removed from Ebay altogether.
Dear stown,
Thank you for writing eBay in regard to item #230140054261 that was
purchased from Mr. X. You stated that you want to know what to do
because this is the first time that you received this kind of email.
eBay has ended the listing for Item number 230140054261. We reviewed
your report and will continue to take appropriate action in accordance
with eBay policies. This might include issuing a warning, suspending the
account temporarily or indefinitely, or terminating the member's
I hope you understand that privacy concerns prevent me from being able
to provide further details on the action that we've taken. This way, all
members can rest assured that their personal account history will always
remain private.
At this point, I recommend the following:
- Contact the seller.
- File an Item Not Received or Significantly Not as Described dispute.
- Contact the payment issuer.
I understand your concern with this situation. Unfortunately, items
purchased outside of eBay aren't eligible for eBay services, such as
Feedback, requests for contact information, or PayPal buyer protection.
If you paid for the item with PayPal, however, you may be able to file a
claim through the PayPal Buyer Complaint Process. PayPal may be able to
reimburse you if:
- You never received the item.
- You file a claim with 45 days after your payment.
- You purchased a tangible item. (Services and other intangible items,
such as e-books or digital items, are not covered.)
To learn more about the PayPal Buyer Complaint Process and to file a
claim, go to:
For more information about offers to buy and sell outside of eBay, go
If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reply to this
email and let us know.
eBay Customer Support