Turnaround times

Just ranting a bit, but I've never understood why PSA takes up to the VERY LAST MINUTE to grade and post your grades on a submission. I sent my 7 cards in using my free Collector's Club vouchers for restarting my membership and they still haven't posted. I just wonder how their method really works. Do they just look at my package and say "Oh, that one has a 7 day guaranteed turnaround on it, we'll just wait til the 6th or 7th day at the last hour to grade those" IT'S 7 FREAKIN CARDS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Don't get me wrong, I really feel for you guys that have subs that are still being processed months later, I've had my fair share too, but I'm just miffed at how PSA does things. It seems to me, some knucklehead would be able to grade those 7 cards and send them to the sealing process within no time. WHAT DO THOSE CARDS ACTUALLY DO FOR THE 6 DAYS THAT THEY ARE SITTING AT PSA? I really sometimes think that PSA and the graders get some kick out of making us all wait til the very last minute of the guaranteed turnaround time to grade and post our grades. I think PSA needs to hire some more graders or start a PSA East to handle all this volume if it is taking 2-3 months for some of you guys to get your cards back. It takes my subs almost 2 weeks in transit to and from PSA from GA, not to mention the time it takes to grade them. Anyways, just wanted to rant a little bit.

"A flute with no holes is not a flute, a donut with no holes is a danish" - Chevy Chase
"I have a split personality, and he is a regular SOB"
"I have a split personality, and he is a regular SOB"
step back from the computer and pour yourself a glass of wine.
I sent in a 93 card order last week and it was entered on the day it was received. I'm hoping that my cards are back to me by September.