Marbles are typically "eyeball finds" (seen with the eyes) : 1) show up in plowed fields, 2) down-town lot demolitions, or 3) even inside a hole being dug while chasing a metal object (coin, etc.)
If you're finding more than a couple, my guess would be that most likely you're hitting the first two types of sites.
I was hitting a sidewalk demolition last year, and in front of one building, several marbles started to show up... even the construction workers were picking them up. The coins in that spot were early mercs, v-nickels, and barbers... gave me a clue to the times when kids sat around on a curb, or in front of a shop (in a group) "shooting" marbles.
Another site where I found quite a few was where several homes had been bull-dozed... right where you might imagine kids playing (under large trees, back yards, etc) the marbles would start showing up. That area (demodigger knows this spot well) would get plowed every year, and right after the rains, it was easy to walk around out there and pick off marbles.
Rarely, but it happens, I'll find a marble in a park while digging a plug for a coin.
I'm sure there are other scenarios, but these are typically where I've found marbles.
Most of my marble find's have come from demo's but I have also dug some when locating a metal target in the park.
The marbles are made either from clay,glass or agate,there may be other materials there made out of but those are the main one's I have found and none have any metal in them to set off a detector.
1) show up in plowed fields,
2) down-town lot demolitions, or
3) even inside a hole being dug while chasing a metal object (coin, etc.)
If you're finding more than a couple, my guess would be that most likely you're hitting the first two types of sites.
I was hitting a sidewalk demolition last year, and in front of one building, several marbles started to show up... even the construction workers were picking them up. The coins in that spot were early mercs, v-nickels, and barbers... gave me a clue to the times when kids sat around on a curb, or in front of a shop (in a group) "shooting" marbles.
Another site where I found quite a few was where several homes had been bull-dozed... right where you might imagine kids playing (under large trees, back yards, etc) the marbles would start showing up. That area (demodigger knows this spot well) would get plowed every year, and right after the rains, it was easy to walk around out there and pick off marbles.
Rarely, but it happens, I'll find a marble in a park while digging a plug for a coin.
I'm sure there are other scenarios, but these are typically where I've found marbles.
Most of my marble find's have come from demo's but I have also dug some when locating a metal target in the park.
The marbles are made either from clay,glass or agate,there may be other materials there made out of but those are the main one's I have found and none have any metal in them to set off a detector.