Barry Bonds--Before and After pics

I think I'm gonna start unloading all my Bonds cards. I could right now probably get 50-55% of what I paid right before the steroid crap came to light. Some say they may spike right before the record is reached, but I don't think there is long term value for 'em. Found these pics and thought I'd share.

<< <i>
He kind of looks like the Incredible Hulk!!!!
I suspect that LOTS of non-collectors will want to buy a
Bond's card right before/after the record falls. That will
provide a brief window to dump the cards.
"Guilty" or not, his reputation is forever ruined. His cards
will remain largely worthless for MANY decades to come.
<< <i>wow, great comparison.. an 18 year old bonds and a photoshopped picture of a 40 year old man.. >>
Yep. That's from the spring of 1983 when he played with The Alaska Goldpanners.
Quite a comparison. I doubt anyone could legitimately look that different from age 18 to age 41.
My Auctions
Agreed. Nothing Bonds has done after around 1999 or so has been legitimate. What the pic doesn't show either is that his shoe size has also grown about three sizes over the last few years.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>Not to start anything but he could get that big without steroids.But I am not saying he did or did not take them.I really don't care steroids don't hit the ball.He hits ball but steroids kills the ball deep.Every one has there saying.There is a lot of diffrence in the pics. >>
A - No he can't
B - Is this English?
<< <i>A - No he can't >>
i disagree man.. between the ages of 18 and 40 someone can get that big.. especially someone who is paid as a professional athlete and pretty much doesnt have to do anything except eat and workout..
im certainly not saying barry hasnt done some roids, but the whole notion of it being impossible to get that big is inaccurate.. ok, so he's gained weight consistently since he was 18.. thats not evidence.. even if that weight is extra fat on his head, neck or feet, it could still just be evidence of weight gain.. we dont know how "cut" or "ripped" barry is, all we see is his forearms, and absolutely someone can get their forearms that big in 22 years time without roids.. did Barry? probably not..
anyway, my right forearm is larger than the other because i work it out more often..
but my right forearm is still bigger?
<< <i>i masterbate more heavily w/ my left hand,
but my right forearm is still bigger?
julen >>
thats why my right one is teh strength..
i need to use the left one more, but it doesnt get the job done as quick or with as much precision..
So, YES, it can be done.
WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
I think if you mated the literary skills of Gary Sheffield and Yogi Berra, this is the kind of quote you would get. "The feces is the stuff people say about him." I need to ponder that one for a while.
<< <i>wow, great comparison.. an 18 year old bonds and a photoshopped picture of a 40 year old man.. >>
Thank you
Bonds = Hydrocephalus.
I am not saying Bonds did or did not use illegal PID's, just that he is certainly not the only one and it's not fair to single him out.
Collecting all cards - Gus Zernial
Post Cereal both raw and PSA Graded (1961-1963)
<< <i>I think if you mated the literary skills of Gary Sheffield and Yogi Berra, this is the kind of quote you would get. "The feces is the stuff people say about him." I need to ponder that one for a while. >>
: standing ovation :
<< <i>Barry Bonds rookies will be the ultimate cards to have. The feces is the stuff people say about him. I know this isn't a new argument but the precision drugs nowadays aren't any worse than that crap Hank Aaron ate and Babe Ruth ate was just as bad for you. They set real bad examples in their own time. Edit: Lard and Spam = Slam. >>
Are you for real or just act like a 10 yr old for the fun of it?
Well, lets see, I'm playing with baseball cards...
what else...
You don't like the way I talk? Don't touch my face.
Barry truely reminds me of his father. I was a huge Bobby Bonds fan, until one day he decided that making or putting forth REAL effort wasn't for him.
Barry will always have his fans, that deserve him. For those of us that see him for what he is, he is what he is.
Thank you for the pictures. I see people at the gym that have made the same commitment as Barry, and bulk up like that simply by their own will , every day, but only if I pretend.
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
JDRF Donation
<< <i>Thank you for the pictures. I see people at the gym that have made the same commitment as Barry, and bulk up like that simply by their own will , every day, but only if I pretend. >>
to start off with, you dont even drive past a gym everyday.. and even if you did dare step foot into a gym, you wouldnt see professional baseball players or even professional badminton players in there everyday.. so yeah, like you said, your whole statement i quoted is just "pretend"..
Maybe we could replace some of the bowling and poker with badminton gals.
Badminton cards?
Being from Baltimore, Raffy was a fan favorite. People always marvilled at how Raffy did it, as he was a well know non-gym type of player. At some point , reality sets in to different people. There are people that believe that Raffy never did anything wrong. He was telling the truth that finger wagging day. I've heard that someone framed him , so he would be knocked out from the Aaron, homerun race. If you listen long enough to talk radio , especially the sports talk shows , you can hear most any excuse. There really are people here in Baltimore that believe that Raffy never did anything wrong. To them , because others do it , its must not be bad. I made the easy choice of believing the truth , long before he was busted.
Personally I know people that do use roids. After awhile most advanced users get a certain look to their bodies. I'm not an expert and neither is almost anyone here, but when I look at bulked up atheletes, they seriously remind me more of the roid-people than the people I see at the gyms I visit every month.
I know how important it is that Barry lovers , need to defend him as a non cheater. Who wants to say in public, we love a cheat. I and Aaron and many many others may be dead wrong on our judgement of Barry and Bigmac and Sammy and Raffy and Lyle , etc, etc, etc, but when I start seeing people that work out , looking just like the roid - people , without using roids , I will be a convert. Until then , who am I going to believe , my own eyes or the news coming from the other side.
One of the great traits of people on the wrong side of an issue is the mantra ' Kill the fireman , not the fire " . I have never seen , anything presented as credible , that supports how Bonds turned from exhibit #1 to exhibit #2 as shown above, that even remotely rings true. I'm still waiting for the gym owners to say "yeah you can look like that , without any outside help". In an arguement, if a person doesn't have truth on their side, the normal result is again "Kill the fireman , not the fire ". I have no problem believing that our moral compass turns us the the side of the issue we choose to believe, on this and any other issue. Thank God for this forum, that even though, we may differ on an issue, we can still present our ideas, even if we are wrong. Its still worth it , at least to me.
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
The problem is about cheating, NOT about drug use.
The "war on drugs" has totally ruined America's criminal-justice
system; and, it is fast ruining sports.
Even if they wanted to, the sports-bodies could not institute a
rational "don't ask, don't tell" scheme. Americans have been
brainwashed - by the most corrupt pols in the history of the
world - into believing that matters of personal choice should
be managed by public policy.
I have never used ANY illegal drugs, but if adults want to do so
- and ruin their mental and physical health -it really is none of my
business what they do in private. It should not be government's
business either.
What Barry did can happen without the use of steroids. It's just a matter of whether or not you believe he's put the hard work and effort into physically growing like he has.