Got some more goodie's!!!

Okay it's been a slow week but I been busy with baseball and then a fishing derby where the one bait I forgot to bring was TNT
we couldn't get those dang fish to bite!!
Anyway got out one day to a local park and found a 43s washington and a rosie.
Then today I we hit a demo where I got this bullet looking thing
a flat button and 2 piece button,part of sash buckle.

Here's a close up of the bullet thing.
My buddy and I figured out what it was and I confirmed it when I got home.
Can you guess what it is??

Then I got this unusual piece of jewelry I think??
All the little circle's have what look to be small colored stone's with a star in the center of each one.

And finally what would one of my post be with out the marble's

Thank's for looking and HH,Tom

Anyway got out one day to a local park and found a 43s washington and a rosie.
Then today I we hit a demo where I got this bullet looking thing
a flat button and 2 piece button,part of sash buckle.

Here's a close up of the bullet thing.
My buddy and I figured out what it was and I confirmed it when I got home.
Can you guess what it is??

Then I got this unusual piece of jewelry I think??
All the little circle's have what look to be small colored stone's with a star in the center of each one.

And finally what would one of my post be with out the marble's

Thank's for looking and HH,Tom

<< <i>air nozle to a tire? >>
That was my guess as well.
Nice Work Tom!
Great mables as always!
Good trades with: DaveN, Tydye, IStillLikeZARCoins, Fjord, Louie, BRdude
Good buys from: LordMarcovan, Aethelred, Ajaan, PrivateCoinCollector, LindeDad, Peaceman, Spoon, DrJules, jjrrww
Good sale to: Nicholasz219
Nice marbles as always dude!
I have no clue what that skinny and long thingie is.
Mary I have been hunting a demo where they took out a whole blocks worth of home's.
The home's date anywhere from the 1870's to the early 1900's and seem to have had quite a bit of children playing and loosing alot of there marble's
Okay now to the bullet,I have found one of these before and alway's thought it was a piece to a kid's cowboy outfit that was until
I found this one intact.
So my buddy and I were looking at it and he said maybe it's a pencil inside??
So when I got home I pulled it apart and sure enough the piece inside looked like a pencil,so I tested it out on paper and sure
enough that's what it is!!
Now there was one piece I should of grab when I found it as it was the cap to go on the end of the pencil.