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Stone Mountain: winner FoundInRolls

Time for a give away. The prize is a pocket piece Stone Mountain commem.
The reverse is even more worn.

To win the prize guess the total cost of the coins pictured below. These are the coins I bought at June Long Beach.

Yes, the image is small and the dates and identifiers are mostly hidden. For those that can not make out the picture, there are three slabbed dollar coins. The top row has U. S. coins: one dollar, three halves and a dime. One of the halves is the prize coin, the Stone Mtn. The rest of the coins are darkside/greyside coins, some silver, some copper.

I will give a clue: the total is less than the price of one ounce of gold, so any guesses above $672 will be obviously wrong. There is $5.60 in U.S. face value, plus the foreign coins, so any guesses below that are also obviously incorrect.

I'll keep this open until Tuesday or so, then go through and see whose guess is closest.


/edit: to add, one guess per person.

// The winner is FoundInRolls with a guess of $272, actual total is $262.50, pm sent to the winner.


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