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Mechanical Error issue gets worse -- Advice please

So, I send in a group of mechanical errors to be labeled correctly. One of them was a Mutoscope card called Grin and Bear It. It left my hands to be re-labeled as part of the Hot 'Cha Girls series. This card left me as a PSA 7 and was returned today with a newly inflicted massive crease crossing the whole card and tagged as a PSA 3.

No mention of anything in the package that was returned to me that the card was damaged as part of the reholdering process. I have submitted many mechanical errors in the past and this has never happened before.

What is the proper course of action now?

I had a scan of it, but recently cleaned up my on-line hosting account and deleted it. Now, other than my indication on the form that was submitted indicating the grade I have no record of the card in it's previous holder. I can't believe that PSA would think that a customer of theirs would not notice that change in a card -- appearance and grade.

Not a happy camper.
Looking for a Glen Rice Inkredible and Alex Rodriguez cards


  • cardfan07cardfan07 Posts: 680 ✭✭
    Does the old cert number still show up? Could use that as a starting point. That would assume that they tracked the original as they checked it in and re-holdered. I'd think if you could tie the 2 together, you'd have a pretty easy arguement.
    Ted Williams, Willie Mays, Tom Seaver, Mike Schmidt, George Brett, Bob Gibson, Lou Brock player collector
  • halosfanhalosfan Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭✭
    the ME errors have always come back with the same cert number. A quick on-line check shows it with the new lower grade.
    Looking for a Glen Rice Inkredible and Alex Rodriguez cards
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    Call cust. service tomorrow and be polite but firm. Tell them that you are disappointed in their lack of communication and ask them what they are going to do to correct it.
  • I can't believe that PSA would think that a customer of theirs would not notice that change in a card -- appearance and grade.

    I always get the impression that they don't care what the customer thinks...

    BTW, they creased a 64 Mantle card of mine on my first submission.
    << image >>
  • cardfan07cardfan07 Posts: 680 ✭✭
    Even better...if they log in the new grade, there must be an old record of that same cert in the database. I'm sure a call to CS with the issue and a check of what the old value was will get this fixed. Good luck.
    Ted Williams, Willie Mays, Tom Seaver, Mike Schmidt, George Brett, Bob Gibson, Lou Brock player collector
  • good lord, those idiots can't even crack their cases? send them to me -- I've opened hundreds and can do it for them; alternatively, I would also be happy to organize an in-service for them and show them how it's done. all I ask is that they mail me back the form (which has a $27.95 s/h fee for "registered" shipping.)

  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    I've had this happen twice. Got nowhere, and one of them dropped the card about $400. in value. Best of luck.
    I think you'd have the best results going politely right to the top.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

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