Question- when did Topps football cards typically come out?

Does anyone remember what time of year Topps football cards typically came out in the 1970s/1980s? Was it early August (i.e. pre-season time) or closer to September?
I know with baseball, it was always around the start of the season until Fleer and Donruss jumped in 1981. Then the 3 companies kept trying to release before the others.
Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's
Sometimes (I lived in a REALLY small town of a couple 100 people) you could buy them if the store owner only had a couple of packs left in his last box of baseball. These were the days when the local Mom and Pop store would only put out one box at a time (other than that famous Woolworth's picture with the boxes of 52 Topps), and the only way they would even buy football was if all of their baseball boxes were sold out by the end of August or early September.
Some years we wouldnt even have football cards. Definately NEVER hockey or basketball. My father would pick us up boxes for Christmas of hockey and basketball because the larger stores in our area never sold any, so you could pick up the boxes at about 1/2 price during the holidays to make a nice, cheap Christmas present for a kid..
Prior to that, it was a 14 game schedule with 6 preseason games.
It seems it would be possible that someone at camp got the autograph - gotta remember things were MUCH looser in those days - not the media hoopla that surrounds everything today, and NE wasn't that hot of a team at the time.