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  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭
  • scooter729scooter729 Posts: 1,730 ✭✭✭
    Possibly could've been good at one point, but at a minimum it was recently traced over with a marker.
  • SheamasterSheamaster Posts: 542 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Your an idoit !!!!! >>

    Gotta love that feedback reply.
  • Dude, that's the slobbery dog ball from the movie "The Sandlot."
    "I've never been able to properly explain myself in this climate" -Raul Duke

    ebay i.d. clydecoolidge - Lots of vintage stars and HOFers, raw, condition fully disclosed.
  • I just noticed in the auction description that this is a ball that was supposed to be passed down to the guy's brother who was killed in a car accident in '57, but he got it instead. What kind of jerk would sell this ball if that was the case? Maybe I'm too sentimental, but geez.
    "I've never been able to properly explain myself in this climate" -Raul Duke

    ebay i.d. clydecoolidge - Lots of vintage stars and HOFers, raw, condition fully disclosed.
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭
    It seems like he's saying he's selling it for somebody else, "the story as told to me". That little ditty leaves him in the clear when it comes back bogus.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I gave the seller his money already. No, I never got his name. I'll let you know if I see him. Are you sure it's not real?"
  • ArchStantonArchStanton Posts: 1,182 ✭✭✭
    I would like to buy the Sharpie Babe used in 1921.
    Collector of 1976 Topps baseball for some stupid reason.
    Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
    My Pirates Collection
  • Wowser!! I just got a mutiple signed 1988 all star game baseball at local fleemarket, it has ruth , janis joplin, elvis, jimi hendrix, and some guy named Jim Morrisson and george washington all signed in red sharpie except for washington signed with quill pen. was told it is one of a kind, was going to run on ebay next week with a BIN of 100,000 but will entertain offers on here 500 or more , Free Shipping sorry no returns. my brother's 13 th cousin had this ball and just died and needs the money to pay for funeral expense and flee market table expense. Pls email sorry cash only on this rare football or baseball have 2 of each. cheaper by the dozen . Have one in purple sharpie (on basketball) but will have to charge $10 more for shipping. or buy all I have for 10,000 (3 lots Avail)
  • The one signature looks almost gone which I believe is the way it should be for being that old. Now the Ruth autograph looks too bright for being 86 years old. I could be wrong though, but I think it has been traced over at some point during those 86 years. I would not bid on it till a sports professional verifies the auto is real and not redone. Send it to PSA!!! lol
  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    I'd bet everything I own on saying " That is NOT Babe Ruth's hand that signed that baseball .
    Absolutely not !
    Now maybe it was signed by another player or a bat boy "Clubhouse signature "
    The Both B's in Babe are completely wrong and the a looks like more of an after thought not to mention the tilt is all wrong , definitely a clubhouse RUTH if legit at all .
    Here is one to compare it to . . .
  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    BTW, mine is just as dark if not darker than that one on E-Bay , only thing is mine is from 1932 , but it hardly ever see's the light of day .
    And he didn't use a marker either and no it is not traced over .
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,587 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I never get tired of seeing that picture TNT. image
  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    Thank you Nick image
    And I never get tired of showing it ,whenever I get the opportunity .
    I just showed my 8 year old son the one offered on E-Bay, he says " No way that is real, I can do a better job than that , it's probably a Clubhouse :"
    That is what I am thinking too, because the other sigs look legit , the only thing I can't see is the manufacturer of the baseball , that should tell a lot , because even for a baseball that old with no sigs on it , it's worth something .
  • handymanhandyman Posts: 5,396 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When you say its probably a clubhouse, What do you mean?
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,587 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's my understanding that there were times when getting a "team" ball signed, if any of the players were not in the locker room as the ball was being passed around, the clubhouse attendent would sign his name for him to complete the team ball. I don't know if this was done on single signed balls in the locker room.
  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    Yea, I dunno man . . .

    What I do know is that Ruth is not his hand .
    Everything about it is wrong . . . .
    From start to finish and everything inbetween .

    What you said though makes sense indeed, something I hadn't even thought about .

    But what if the ball had been handed over the dugout for them to sign and The Babe just grabbed it but had to step out real quick to pee or something and asked the boys just to sign his name or something too < Shrug > I'm diggin deep here image

    These things sometimes make you want to will them into existance even in the slightest way , Cuz even a clubhouse Ruth with the others on there and the age got to be worth something.
    Also I hadn't seen any mention if it was a foul ball he caught or anything like that , Also, I see no stampings of any kind on the baseball.
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