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Is this legal?

Found this really small in a auction. They can have you agree to waive Paypal claims in advance??

By purchasing an item on this website through Paypal, Buyer waives any right to make a claim through Paypal against Seller or reverse charges through Paypal for any reason. If Buyer attempts to reverse charges for any reason, agreement to these terms and conditions gives Seller the right to present this legally binding agreement to Paypal and Buyer agrees to Paypal dismissing Buyer’s request. Buyer agrees to permit Paypal to debit Buyer’s account for any additional charges Paypal may levy against Seller for Buyer’s actions. 5) Buyer agrees that any legal action arising from a transaction between Buyer and Seller shall have exclusive venue and jurisdiction in the state and federal courts of Lancaster County, Nebraska. 6) In the event Seller incurs costs attributable to Buyer’s actions, Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for any and all costs, including attorney’s fees.


  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    The jargon has no legal effect. But, it is a violation
    of the EBAY/PayPal TOS.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    got to be against Ebay's TOS.

    report it and see....
  • I thought so. Here it is.

    I reported it.
  • digicatdigicat Posts: 8,551 ✭✭
    Heh. I once asked a lawyer friend of mine if you could put something on your front door that said something to the effect of "By knocking on this door you acknolwedge that you are waving all state, local, and federal rights, and agree to hold the owner of this house blameless in the event of intentional harm to you or your posessions."

    He said "You could, but it's about as binding as a wet noodle is at the bottom of the sea."
    My Giants collection want list

    WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    What a tool!
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