are pro baseball bats worth anything?

a friend brought me a juan encarnacion bat, splintered.
i told him probably not worth anything, but wanted to ask first.
thanks for any help.
i told him probably not worth anything, but wanted to ask first.
thanks for any help.
But i'd be happy to have that in my collection.
St. Louis, Florida bat?
you helped me out with info. i think for that whole lot of stuff it brought in like than less
than 20 bucks on ebay... but at least it went to a good home.
and i appreciate it again this time. this is a cards bat. it's the first professional bat i've ever
had the chance of holding.
couple of things i noticed about it that i never knew before. it's made from maple.
i thought bats were made from hickory all these years?
this has got what looks like rosen toward the skinny end, so it's definetly seen use.
it's got encarnacio's name and number official etched in it, which i didn't realize they personalized their
bats either.
the splinter isn't noticeable but it's enough that it couldn't be used for hitting with anymore.
i also never knew that the end by the meat of the bat was recessed either.
since the thread had died by the end of the shift, i gave the bat back to my friend and told him
i'd let him know if i heard anything on it.
i'll get it back in my possession on tuesday and pm some pictures to you on wed. 40 bucks is a little
more than we had figured it would be worth, but by the time i shipped it, that would get whittled down
quite a bit. so that sounds good for everyone. i'll check with you wed though and see if your still interested
after seeing the pic.
no harm if not, appreciate the figure either way, at least it gives him the info.
If it is for resale I still don't see why it wouldn't sell for at least that eventually .
I am about to start adding some wood to my collection.
A friend of mine has a Willie Mays and a Mickey Mantle game used baseball bat he is thinking about selling he wants 7 grand for the Mick bat and 4500.00 for the Mays and as soon as he makes up his mind , I'm jumping on that .
I don't care about the resale value , for me it is the fact that these Monsters held this in their hands and that value I could never put a price on .
It is a significant piece of baseball history and not something that too many people have .
I'd say , get that baseball bat but just make sure it is in fact the real Mc Coy .
For 40-50 bucks , how could ya go wrong ?