Is EBAY good or bad for us?

I have been having this conversation a lot lately with people here in the card biz. Is it good or bad? Gives me a nice outlet when I get a high grade vintage card or a big dollar west coast player that I cant sell around here. On the other hand, everyday, there are over 1,000,000 baseball card auctions. Everyday is a card show and a CHEAP one at that. A card show you don't have to go to, nor walk around, nor deal with people, just bid and it usually shows up.....
So... Is it good or bad
So... Is it good or bad
"I put my pants on just like you... One leg at a time. The differences is when I put them on, I make gold records."
"Molon Labe"
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
card shows do not build long term relationships, card shops did but they are fading fast. ebay builds long term relationships even if i never meet the person face-to-face.
reprints are great!
I suspect it is going to get alot better.
Buyers will not really know if EBAY is good/bad,
until it comes time for them to sell the bargains
they have bought.
If not ebay it would be eauction or whatever. The internet vs. 2-3 week shipping on a card you never seen or pic was a B/W, and thats if you could find what you wanted. I LOVE clicking a button and finding almost every card imaginable.
<< <i>However it is really easy to over do it though you got to be careful not to over-extend your spending. >>
I love ebay, 98% of all my card buying is from Ebay... But is can be very addictive and you really have to budget yourself especially when you are working with a snipe program.
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
That said, I would like to see more competition. Ebay has become a monopoly made worse by their control of Paypal, and aside from a few public utilities monopolies aren't good for producers or consumers. So far Ebay has not been seriously threatened by Yahoo!, or Ubid. In fact I couldn't tell you when the last time I actually visited those alternative sites - yet I just checked Ebay.
<< <i>Is EBAY good or bad for us? >>
I'm going broke, saving money!
I'll just leave it at that.
ebay i.d. clydecoolidge - Lots of vintage stars and HOFers, raw, condition fully disclosed.