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I didn't know that you lost money on a .99 ebay auction

I just sold a Carson Palmer game used jersey. It was from the 2007 Prestige. I listed it on ebay with a starting price of .99 Here is a breakdown of my fees:

ebay fees:

Listing fee....20
Gallery..........35 (If I would have known it would sell fo .99 I would have saved my money...lol)
Final Value Fee......05

Total ebay: .60

I charge $2.00 to ship so the Paypal fee was based on $2.99:

Paypal fee.....39 (Thats 13%...is it always that high?)

Total ebay + Paypal: .99...That is what the card sold for.

The shipping was $1.30 + .18 DC = $1.48 it weighed in at 1.2 oz's

That leaves me with .52 cent to pay for the card and shipping supplies.

My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

JDRF Donation


  • elsnortoelsnorto Posts: 2,012 ✭✭
    With eBay fees, Paypal fees, shipping materials, and postage it is hard to make money on low dollar items once you figure in the product cost. I have sold on eBay quite a bit in the past so I am sympathetic to both sides of the e-commerce equation although I mostly buy on eBay these days. I will actually accept a higher shipping and handling charge on a low dollar item than a high dollar item because I know the seller is probably not going to make much, if anything or a loss, on low dollar items. I do want to support sellers who offer such items so they will continue to post them for all us set / player collectors. I have even been known to add a dollar or two in my Paypal payment when winning a low dollar item where the shipping and handling charge is less than the sellers combined expenses.

  • SDavidSDavid Posts: 1,584 ✭✭
    This is why most high volume sellers of lower end items try to profit from shipping...and why most buyers of those items complain about high shipping costs. I think the best solution is to not sell lower end stuff on ebay, but I know that in this case you didn't do it on purpose.
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    What do you do with lower end stuff? It seems to just be piling up. I dont mind grabbing a nice positive to help out on the next auction
  • BunkerBunker Posts: 3,926

    << <i>but I know that in this case you didn't do it on purpose >>

    I certainly thought that a Game Used Jersey from Carson Palmer would have sold for more than .99. I don't know about everyone else, but lately I have been disappointed in my sales.

    I also had a 2007 Bowman Sterling auto that did not sell for the starting bid of .99....I am thankful for that now...lol

    Some other cards that sold for .99 (Lost money on). There wer more from yesterday, but you get the point:




    My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

    JDRF Donation
  • ive been doing alot of selling on there recently and im coming across that alot the past few weeks...its very frustrating!

    life's a garden baby, dig it!
  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,398 ✭✭✭✭
    basically, if it's modern and it's not a HOT auto of a legend or a prospect, it's worthless.

    Just the sad truth
  • elsnortoelsnorto Posts: 2,012 ✭✭

    << <i>basically, if it's modern and it's not a HOT auto of a legend or a prospect, it's worthless.

    Just the sad truth
    John >>

    I have found most anything that is a certified auto will sell better than the game used stuff, at least in football. Like everything that came before it, the card companies did the game used inserts to death and killed their value by flooding the market... too much of a good thing. Now they are creating sucking the last life out of them with double, triple, patch, or low numbered versions. Here again, if there are 50 products coming out every year and each of them have one or more insert with the same concept, it will diminish the value of everything. All the while prices go through the roof and price or otherwise alienate some from the hobby, especially kids.

    While this holds true for autos as well, there appears to be a more finite number of autos than game used (how many cards can they make from a single jersey?), so they seem to fare better. Still, values have dropped here too because of the number of products and versions of autos available, but they are still doing much better as a whole than 99% of the game used stuff from what I have observed.

  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    My Recent Experience...............

    If it is not special, sellers are lucky to get the opening bid.

    It is now more important than ever to make sure that
    the opening bid is a price you will be satisfied with.

    And, the circumstance appears to be getting worse.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • MooseDogMooseDog Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭
    You CAN make money on .99 items and not be a jerk with shipping. First, you need to have a PayPal MicroPay account. This is a little known type of PayPal account which is designed for people who sell stuff for under $10. More specifically, I think it is designed for selling stuff like downloaded music and vending machine type items. But I've found it quite useful for low priced eBay sales.

    eBay Listing Fee .20
    Final Value Fee .05
    PayPal MicroPay Account Fees .10 (based on $1.99 total cost if you charged $1 for shipping)

    Total fees = 35 cents

    You can charge for shipping reasonably. For 1-2 cards you can ship in a regular envelope in a top loader and your cards will be fine. The top loader provides adequate protection, even from the dreaded sorting machines at the USPS. If you are going to go the bubble mailer route then you'll have to charge accordingly but do you really need to send 99 cent cards in a bubble mailer?

    The Gallery Fee was obviously where you lost your profit.
  • Of course in all this conversation the fact that it probably cost him $4 to buy the pack that contained anyone of those jersey cards is lost. Probably he bought 5 packs for $20 and pulled one jersey and 29 commons and stars, making his cost basis on that card pretty high considering you cant even give away that commons or stars.

    I got $2.25 yesterday for a $50 Ripken Atomic Refractor in mint condition. I hear your concerns for sure.
    "I put my pants on just like you... One leg at a time. The differences is when I put them on, I make gold records."
  • SidePocketSidePocket Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭
    Just my opinion but game used cards have absolutely no appeal. They are basically a gimmick, and when they've worn out their welcome they'll be replaced by another gimmick (re insert).

    "Molon Labe"

  • GuruGuru Posts: 3,127
    I remember just a couple of years ago when I was really getting back into the hobby. I brought out all my old stuff from growing up. You know the stuff that you think is worth a ton of $$$. Yea right.
    I've really tried to not list stuff that I don't think I can get a really good deal on. I had an auction once that stated that if they paid via MO, CC, or Check that shipping would be free. It was yanked.
    So, with my low end stuff I usually do a yard sale about once or twice a month in my area. I've found that people are more apt to respond to an ad in the newspaper then get on Ebay and buy. I usually have the people who say, "Oh, my grandson/granddaughter collects these. How much can I get for $25?" I then usually try to put a box together with Stars, Semi-stars, unopened, at least one game used or auto, and of course some commons. That's where most of my money has been made. Plus, I do grab bags for a like a $1. People love these things. Last year I opened so many Topps packs that I had a ton of those Mantle cards. So, I randomly put some in these grab bags then post a sign stating that if they find one they get a free unopened pack or something else that's neat. You wouldn't believe how many people keep buying packs. And it's awesome when a kid gets a bag with one in there. It creates a frenzy with parents/grandparents and others that are there.
    I came to the realization after doing a couple of shows and selling on Ebay that most of what I have most don't want. So, I enjoy what I collected as a kid and any surplus of extra stuff I just put in these grab bags to generate income for future card purchases. Last month, however, I made enough money on grab bags and selling boxes at my two yard sales that I was able to pay all my bills for the month with it. I have no idea how it happened, but I had all these kids wanting more and more grab bags.
    So, after writing this novel...I would caution anyone who is trying to sell small time stuff on the Bay. I've tried it so many times and can tell you, you will pay more then you'll make.

  • djspanndjspann Posts: 541
    Regarding the paypal fees at $0.39, or 13%, here's the deal:

    For many sellers (those that don't do > $3000 per month business on Paypal), they charge $0.30 per transaction + 2.9%. In this case, that is 2.9% of 2.99 ($0.09) + 30 cents, for 39 cents total.

  • MooseDogMooseDog Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭
    PayPal Micropayments don't have a minimum transaction level.

    Fee is .05 + 5%.

    Anyone who sells cheap cards should have one of these accounts. You CAN have multiple PayPal accounts, I have three.

  • cardbendercardbender Posts: 1,831 ✭✭

    << <i>PayPal Micropayments don't have a minimum transaction level.

    Fee is .05 + 5%.

    Anyone who sells cheap cards should have one of these accounts. You CAN have multiple PayPal accounts, I have three. >>

    Interesting. I've never heard of this type of paypal account. Thanks for pointing it out for us. I would guess this type of an account would be great for unloading cheaper vintage commons from the 1970's too. I'll have to keep that in mind.

    Also, what Storm said is right on the money as usual. I start many auctions at a minimum level I want for the card. If it gets only one hit, I'm fine. If it doesn't, there's always room for it in a ebay store listing, selling it at a card show, trading it, holding it longer, or giving it away, etc....

  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    You never know what some people are willing to battle over at any given time though .

    Collecting is strange like that .
    Sometimes you lose , sometimes you hit a grand slam .
    It's not such a surprise on the more rare stuff but when it happens on a more common piece it's like OH BOY !
    Like that Elway Rookie that sold for 10 K.
    I guess there is someone else out there that is willing to pay almost as much for a card that is only really worth about 1800.00 in a 10 .
  • Save your $1 items for a promotional listing day, like 20 cent day (looks like you did that?) or free listing day--dump them all then, and don't buy the gallery feature for lowball items. Figure in your actual shipping cost and add a small handling fee to cover the cost of shipping supplies and Paypal fees, so long as it's not too outrageous it should be in line with what most sellers charge to ship a card ($2 - $3?)

    .20 cent listing
    .05 final value fee
    .39 paypal fee (fee is 2.9% of total price or 39 cents whichever is higher)
    1.48 shipping
    .64 cents total ebay fees
    $2.12 total fees

    $2.95 shipping
    $.99 cost of item
    $3.94 total for item

    Leaves you with $1.82

  • I didn't know you hoped to make money on a $0.99 auction. Those fees are killers!!
  • BunkerBunker Posts: 3,926

    << <i>I didn't know you hoped to make money on a $0.99 auction. Those fees are killers!! >>

    It's not that I was trying to make money, but I really wasn't expecting to lose any either. I thought that the Palmer jersey would go for 6-8 dollars.

    Its not like I have to go on welfare now or anything, I was just suprised that a .99 cent sale was equal to the fees. I see a lot of auctions on ebay that go for .99...maybe everyone knew but me?

    I would have rather given the card to a player collector on these boards.

    By the way I start all my auctions at .99 with no reserve. Sometimes I win sometimes I lose. I am probably like a lot of guys on here that whatever I sell on ebay I put back into buying more cards

    My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

    JDRF Donation
  • It wasn't an attack on you -- I am just always amazed at how paypal + eBay fees add up!
  • BunkerBunker Posts: 3,926

    << <i>It wasn't an attack on you -- I am just always amazed at how paypal + eBay fees add up! >>

    So am I image

    My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

    JDRF Donation
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    a .99 auction does not have to be a loser. 3.00 in shipping and handling should make it a winner. anyone looking for these dollar cards should have no problem paying the 3.00 extra.

    I think in the case provided the loss was due to the gallery addition?

    Of course it depends on what the person has in the card in the first place.

    Good for you.
  • Sometimes on .99 cent items i will post NO PAYPAL on this item, just check or usps money order. I realize many buyers prefer paypal as their means of payment, if the item sells at a higher price i will then allow a paypal payment. My 1960 Al Kaline & Elston Howard are listed at .99 thinking they would generate a decent $ but apparently not as there is less than 2 hours left & 0 bids on Elston Howard & 1 bid on Kaline. They arent the best of cards but possibly an upgrade or a filler until a top graded card comes along.
    I never heard of the micro paypal? will ck into it. Thx, Karl
    The 2 cards listed are #: 180121028738 & 180121029799
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    only problem with that karl is if you show the paypal logo you have to take it.

    Good for you.
  • Hi Steve,
    on those items i disable the accept paypal pay icon, that is if i remember lol.
  • Cash
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