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A good day on the (e)Bay... Sweetness!

Twas a good day on eBay, albeit a bit pricey... I picked up a couple autographed mini helmets for my Top 25 All-Time Leading Rushers collection to include The Bus (#5) and Sweetness himself (#2 on the list but #1 on the field... R.I.P., Walter).

Probably paid a bit much for Bettis, but I think I got a real bargain on the Payton... just a touch over $500 for a very sweet signature authenticated by both the Walter Payton Foundation and Steiner. Autographed footballs go for around $500 - $600+ and full size helmets around $1200 - $2000+ with the same authentications. What do you all think, steal or just a deal?


That just leaves Emmitt as the more pricey one that I still need. I am surprised it has been so hard to find his sig on a mini authenticated by GAI, PSA, or JSA. All I see is "off" brand offerings for him. I am so desperate I almost considered going for a Score Board authenticated one... good thing I could make "Goldin" out so clearly on the COA and came to my senses.



  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭
    Sweet mini.

    The Score Board stuff, surprisingly is legit. The problem with it, is that the certs are readily available and copied quite frequently, though holding one it's usually fairly obvious. The other problem is that there is rarely anything tying the cert to the item. I have a drawer full of old Score Board certs from a collection I bought that had a bunch of signed cards. I got a bunch of score board stuff in that collection and all of it passed PSA or GAI (depending on the show I brougt it to, the authenticator that was there is who I used).

    Goldin is a douche, but some food for thought.... If the auto looks good, there's a good chance it is.
  • DaddyRichDaddyRich Posts: 241 ✭✭
    Always great to see anything that reminds us of the great Walter Payton - I'd have paid the same. Great mini.
    Just glad to be here with everyone.
  • JVetteJVette Posts: 206
    Sweet Sweetness !! image
  • elsnortoelsnorto Posts: 2,012 ✭✭
    Another Sweetness score and at a real bargain too! I happened upon this in eBay stores late at night within hours of it being listed. With store listings not being included in search results by default, sometimes you can find some bargains after all if your timing is good.


    I picked this up for less than $300 delivered and they have gone for up to double that at times based on a completed auction search. Initially I was thinking of flipping it... but I just can't do it. It is going in my Payton collection along with the mini, which is the favorite piece in my collection to date. I still get absolutely stoked every time I see it.


  • eyeboneeyebone Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭
    Don't know if it was a good deal $ wise or not, but that is one fine looking helmet. Congrats!

    "I'm not saying I'm the best manager in the world, but I'm in the top one." Brian Clough
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