Call a press conference, strike a match to it, get my instant celebrity status to write a book, and profit off of it that way. A ball like that is not worth keeping for posterity.
PS. And don't think for a second that I wouldn't do this.
Ron Burgundy
Buying Vintage, all sports. Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
I share season tickets to the Giants in Section 138 in the left field bleachers. It would take a pretty impressive opposite field shot to left field to reach me, but if I somehow grabbed it, I would list it on ebay as fast as I could get to a computer. Actually, maybe I should have a listing already and then end the auction early if I miraculously did not catch it.
Based on relative celebrity status - big difference.
Celebrities are more like 'royalty' in this country - kind of like "property" of the people...
They pay the way for celebrities - and the public has expectations - granted media exceed any normal person's expectations - but that's life.
This has been going on ever since the first caveman bagged a dinosaur and become the focus of hero worship amongst the clan - it goes with the turf if ya know what I mean.
There's a concommitant of money and celebrity status in this world - and thus the person reaping rewards beyond any normal person's grasp - has to develop very thick skin, hire the right people to assist them in navigating the treacherous waters of life that we take for granted.
If ya want to be rich AND be a celebrity - ya lose all sense of privacy - I'm not saying it right - I'm stating the way it is IMO.
And - to be honest - Bonds never was the pinnacle of affability - he deserves everything he gets from the media - unfortunately.
mike >>
While I agree 100% with your comment about celebrity status and the publics perception that these people somehow are public domain your original post pointed solely to money. I also agree that it is redicules that people feel that way. The point of my post was simply to state that the media has and continues to abuse its power, not to defend Bonds as it has been said. Of course, on the other hand I obviously am incapable of intelligent thought and am in complete denial. Yet somehow everyday I pick up the newspaper or tune into a sports station and there the media sits, tearing down icons. Oh sure there is usually a 2 minute spot for the latest score updates but the next 45 minutes will be about Bonds and how he doesn't deserve the record. Then there is Vick and how he is going to be charged and what a terrible person he is for being involved with dog fighting. Move forward to Clinton Portis and his poor attitude and desgraceful ideals when asked about Vick and his involvement. Who the hell cares what Portis has to say about Vick? Oh, yes, I forgot. The media, thats right, lets put Portis on the spot and ask him a irrelevant question about something that has nothing to do with his team or the upcoming season. News flash, that same reporter asked the same question to every athlete she could get a mircophone in front of. Why? To hopefully get one of them to say something stupid. Well, she got her wish. Now she has a story and they can print it and report it and spread it out like fertilizer. In the end for what? Nothing other then to tear down another athlete, the bigger the better. Every athlete is charged in the court of public opinion now. However, the media plays prosecutor, judge and jury. They report what they want to, when they want to and how they want to. Vick has been convicted in the public eye, it is irrelevant whether or not he will be charged or is even guilty. The media will spend 6 months on the story replaying it over and over, revisiting how he will be charged in a few days and if he is exonerated they will do a 30 second spot on how he was. Yet the lasting effect will be he got off because who he is or some other weak excuse other then he was not guilty. Same holds true with Bonds, lets not embrace the chase for the good of baseball and young fans that may idolize Bonds. No, lets create termoil and shove unproven scandels in the faces of everyone. Again, the media is allowed to report with reckless abandonment and hide behind shroud of freedom of the press. Once the stone has been cast into the water you can not stop the ripples, yet the media knows this and thrives on it everyday and people read and listen and take it as gospel.
Lets face it, I read it in Newsweek or heard it on ESPN so it MUST be true, right?
I would sell it for sure. Now if I were independently wealthy and had no need of the money, I think I would shred it, stuff it in a syringe, mount the ball filled syringe on a nice plaque and then donate it to the Hall or Bonds himself.
Actually, I'd say anybody involved with dog fights well deserves to have their dingaling chomped but good by a dog fighting "champion" or two, whilst tied hand and foot. Such treatment goes for celebrities and Joe dirtbags alike... but hey, that's just me.
I would sell the ball on ebay, but I would want to keep it.
Good luck Bonds!
Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards. Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
<< <i>I'm a little surprised that no Cubs fans have chimed in to say that they'd throw the ball back onto the field if it happened at Wrigley. I think it would be really cool, and ridiculously stupid, to do just that. >>
it's a sacred don't go around stomping on sacred tradition.....i'd keep the ball and throw Barry a goat
If I was going to a game at which Bonds might hit THE home run, I'd be sure to carry an extra ball in my pocket. Then if I caught the real deal, I'd pull the old switcheroo and throw the bogus ball back on the field; just to watch the people around me go nuts and listen to what the media had to say for a few days before I 'fessed up with the authentic ball. Oh yeah, then I'd take Heritage up on their offer.
<< <i>I find it odd that some of the responses to this thread say the would sell the ball because it is Bonds who is breaking the record. I doubt that who the player is would really dictate whether or not someone would sell it. I think if the cash incentive is the reason to sell the ball then it simply would not matter who it was. I am in no way defending Bonds but I personally have never met the man, and do not know anything about him other then what has been in the media. Personally I can not imagine what life must be like with the constant barrage of people who cannot discern between public and private times for any athlete much less one like Bonds. Does anyone really think that if he took steriods it really accounts for that many more homeruns then he has hit. I doubt that steriods alone would turn someone into a career .300 hitter, there has to be some talent involved. Bonds power numbers started to increase in the early 90s and besides the year he hit 73 have been consistent from that point on in the 40 range. Of course there have been plenty of players who have posted career numbers in the homerun category and never come close again. Brady Anderson hit 50 in 1996, yet never managed more then 24 before or after...must have been steriods. In 1961 Maris hit 61, closest he came was the year before and after (39 and 33 respectively), 1963 and 64 were mediocre with 23 and 26 while his normal year was around 19 round trippers. Must have been steriod years between 1960 and 1964. Luis Gonzalez hit 57 2001 while only mustering up 30 or more once, the year before...again, must have been steriods that year. The list goes on and on for players who have managed to throw up numbers that did not match their career stats. Again, I am not defending Bonds but other then the year with 73 his totals have been consistent since the early 90's and I'm not sure I am ready to believe the marketing machine known as the media. All the dirty laundry they can sell means more money ... feed the machine ... feed the machine ... feed the machine! >>
I'm not sure I'd be throwing around the names of Luis Gonzalez and Brady Anderson as somehow proving that Bonds didn't use steroids or something. It's pretty universally acknowledged that Anderson was a steroid user and there have been more than a few allegations surround Gonzalez as well
You also mentioned Michael Jordan - what makes you think Michael DIDN'T use? The NBA is ignored by the media when it comes to steroids but let's not kid ourselves - there's a whole lot of roid guys in that league. Without directly accusing Jordan, it certainly wouldn't surprise me if he did use them...
Now, as for Bonds - my beef with him is two-fold: 1) He's a racist (remember the stuff he said about breaking Ruth's HR total); 2) He's a jerk who went to court to get his child support payments reduced during the 1994 players' strike - that's just straight-up douchebaggery to me.
So there.
Oh yeah, I would sell the ball, preferably to someone who would give the ball either to the HOF or to Bonds.
<<<<Now, as for Bonds - my beef with him is two-fold: 1) He's a racist (remember the stuff he said about breaking Ruth's HR total); 2) He's a jerk who went to court to get his child support payments reduced during the 1994 players' strike - that's just straight-up douchebaggery to me.>>>
1. kind of a stretch to assume that because he said he would "not be bothered if he did not break Aaron's record but would be happy to break Ruth's record" that he is a racist. Wonder what his first wife (white) thought about being married to a racist. Bet you'd love to read the hate mail Bond's receives every day from the real racists. And don't tell me they're all concerned citizens worried about steroids in professional sports. Right.
2. Bonds didn't go to court to get his child support payments reduced but of course, all the Bond's haters out there view the glass as always "half empty". His ex-wife actually went to court to get the payments increased and because of her impeccable timing (during the strike), the court reduced the payments to a mere $7500 per month. Add that to the settlement agreement amounts for other expenses and he was still paying her $20K per month.
On the topic of what you would do with the ball......very amusing responses but obviously there is not a single person on this forum who would not sell the ball and happily pose with their new best buddy Barry.
Mark B.
Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards
My PSA Registry Sets
34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
<< <i><<<<Now, as for Bonds - my beef with him is two-fold: 1) He's a racist (remember the stuff he said about breaking Ruth's HR total); 2) He's a jerk who went to court to get his child support payments reduced during the 1994 players' strike - that's just straight-up douchebaggery to me.>>>
1. kind of a stretch to assume that because he said he would "not be bothered if he did not break Aaron's record but would be happy to break Ruth's record" that he is a racist. Wonder what his first wife (white) thought about being married to a racist. Bet you'd love to read the hate mail Bond's receives every day from the real racists. And don't tell me they're all concerned citizens worried about steroids in professional sports. Right.
2. Bonds didn't go to court to get his child support payments reduced but of course, all the Bond's haters out there view the glass as always "half empty". His ex-wife actually went to court to get the payments increased and because of her impeccable timing (during the strike), the court reduced the payments to a mere $7500 per month. Add that to the settlement agreement amounts for other expenses and he was still paying her $20K per month.
On the topic of what you would do with the ball......very amusing responses but obviously there is not a single person on this forum who would not sell the ball and happily pose with their new best buddy Barry. >>
It is useless to try and debate with factual information against the fictional media blitz. There are some people who will always believe what they hear and read no matter what the actual proof points to. People like to use the excuse that any rational and intelligent person can draw to the conclusion based on the information given. I agree, however the key conponent is that the information being given must be factual. Testimonials by 2nd hand parties in my book are not good enough. I say again, if you dislike him because you think he is arrogant, or you think he does not fit the mold of what a Major Leaguer should be, fine. But to say he is a cheater that does not deserve to enjoy his accomplishment given the actual facts that are available right now is an excuse to discredit him based on a personal hatred for the man. Perhaps some of these same people have racist feelings for him as well (I did not bring this up but since it is now in play its a fair ball).
<< <i>I'm not sure I'd be throwing around the names of Luis Gonzalez and Brady Anderson as somehow proving that Bonds didn't use steroids or something. It's pretty universally acknowledged that Anderson was a steroid user and there have been more than a few allegations surround Gonzalez as well
You also mentioned Michael Jordan - what makes you think Michael DIDN'T use? The NBA is ignored by the media when it comes to steroids but let's not kid ourselves - there's a whole lot of roid guys in that league. Without directly accusing Jordan, it certainly wouldn't surprise me if he did use them...
Now, as for Bonds - my beef with him is two-fold: 1) He's a racist (remember the stuff he said about breaking Ruth's HR total); 2) He's a jerk who went to court to get his child support payments reduced during the 1994 players' strike - that's just straight-up douchebaggery to me.
So there.
Oh yeah, I would sell the ball, preferably to someone who would give the ball either to the HOF or to Bonds.
Tabe >>
Anderson and Gonzalez topic - First I am sure I mentioned Maris's numbers as well but obviously you have no rebutal fo him, its OK. On the other hand can you give me the source that shows where Anderson and Gonzalez failed steriod tests. Actually just post the link to the article where either one admits to using steriods. I will be interested to read them.
Jordan topic - really not the point if he used them or not was simply added to prove (along with the Rose comment that I see you left out) that some players are/or would be excused from infractions based on the publics opinion of them (which by the way is directly influenced by the power of the media).
Now as for Bonds - actual facts have been posted already so I see no need to post more on this.
About 2 weeks ago, I thought I might have a chance since me and my friends have 7 season tix to the Sox in the CF bleachers.....Giants come to town mid-June...we had a plan that if Barry was at 754 or 755, in between innings before each Barry at-bat we'd spread out - one or two of us would stay in our seats, while others would strategically linger in the vomitory/aisles....but Barry's slump makes it unlikely he'll be doing it Boston....too bad, the ensuing booing would have been great to have on tape for all-time.
as for the poster who said Cubs fans would throw it back...there is not a chance in hell that ball is going back on the field if it gets hit out in Wrigley.
<< <i> your original post pointed solely to money >>
I can see the confusion - the use of the money was hyperbole to focus in on the fact that "as a celebrity" Bonds makes immense amount of money off the sweat and tears of common people who pay outrageous amounts of hard earned cash to attend games and buy autos, packs of cards etc.
So, as a celebrity - ya take what comes with the ride.
And as it goes for the media? Bonds truly brought that upon himself IMO.
Many, many players quietly have HOF quality careers without being the target of media megalomaniacs.
But, I do see your point when it comes to the media - they can be vicious. mike
<< <i>Bonds makes immense amount of money off the sweat and tears of common people who pay outrageous amounts of hard earned cash to attend games and buy autos, packs of cards etc. >>
This is voluntary of course and I am not in total disagreement with you. However, I have always found it odd that people blame the players for their salaries. I cannot think of any "common person" that would pass up the oppurtunity to negotiate their salary. Lets put the blame where it really belongs. The only reason sports figures have such inflated salaries is because the owners want to win and are willing to pay whatever it takes to get there. Why is Roger Clemens allowed to dictate such extreme demands in his contract? The reason is because their is a team that is willing to accept his demands in exchange for his pitching. If all the teams took a pass and he sat his butt at home for a season he might have a different view. Salaries are no different. Owners dictate the salaries by agreeing to pay a certain price not players and agents.
I would also like to add that the discussion has branched off and to stay on task my original point still stands. There is not one shred of hard evidence that Bonds has used steriods. I say show the proof. The only thing that anyone has is the medias perspective and reports on the issue. Show a failed steroid test or an admission of guilt from Bonds, but please have something more then he said she said allegations or writers who want people to read their articles. I mean to say the man is guilty because the bat boy said his feet were bigger or the trainer said he shaved his head beacuse he was going bald is absurd. If you want to hate him based on his actions, sound bites or his attitude so be it. Again, to use that hatred as justification to believe the nonsense the media reports and convict him for it is weak. Color me wrong all you would like but I know all to well the negative influence the media can have on a persons career, life and well being even if what they report tip toes the line of half truths and innuendos.
My luck would be that I would catch number 756 and while the camera's are on me the PA announcer says that Barry Bonds just confessed to steroid use rendering the ball valueless.
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
Graphix, I could bring Barry in person to your house, make him eat a sparrow in front of your face and you would still find a way to deny that Barry's a sparrow-eater. He is what he is, no matter your repeated attempts to whitewash him.
<< <i>My luck would be that I would catch number 756 and while the camera's are on me the PA announcer says that Barry Bonds just confessed to steroid use rendering the ball valueless. >>
i say you're dead wrong there.....look what Pete Rose's "honesty" has done for the value of his collectibles
<< <i>Graphix, I could bring Barry in person to your house, make him eat a sparrow in front of your face and you would still find a way to deny that Barry's a sparrow-eater. He is what he is, no matter your repeated attempts to whitewash him. >>
Except I have already said if he was found quilty I agree he should be banned from baseball and stripped of the record so really this comment is an attack at me and not the issue. Atleast attempt to offer proof rather then muddy the water.
<< <i>Pete annoys quite a few people to distraction, but his rookie's still in demand. Go figure. >>
I have know idea what this is supposed to mean. Unless it reaffirms my point that people dislike or hate Bonds and are willing to be blind to the actual facts surronding his steroid allegations while they are willing to forgive Rose for any indiscretions because he was is cool dude.
YO! He already said he took them, buit didn't know they were roids. i enevr knew there were a TRUE topical steroid. If he gets caught NOW, they should have him drawn and quartered...
Spoken like a guy who has Bonds as his avatar
HEY I do too! He just took the WRONG hormones that week
<< <i>YO! He already said he took them, buit didn't know they were roids. i enevr knew there were a TRUE topical steroid. If he gets caught NOW, they should have him drawn and quartered... >>
I thought he admitted to using a cream (which at the time was NOT on the MLB banned substance list when he used it) for his arthritis. Again, I just want to make sure I understand the facts as they really are.
Authorized wholesale dealer for BCW, if you need any supplies let me know and I will get you a quote
PS. And don't think for a second that I wouldn't do this.
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
/s/ JackWESQ
<< <i>No Graphy
Based on relative celebrity status - big difference.
Celebrities are more like 'royalty' in this country - kind of like "property" of the people...
They pay the way for celebrities - and the public has expectations - granted media exceed any normal person's expectations - but that's life.
This has been going on ever since the first caveman bagged a dinosaur and become the focus of hero worship amongst the clan - it goes with the turf if ya know what I mean.
There's a concommitant of money and celebrity status in this world - and thus the person reaping rewards beyond any normal person's grasp - has to develop very thick skin, hire the right people to assist them in navigating the treacherous waters of life that we take for granted.
If ya want to be rich AND be a celebrity - ya lose all sense of privacy - I'm not saying it right - I'm stating the way it is IMO.
And - to be honest - Bonds never was the pinnacle of affability - he deserves everything he gets from the media - unfortunately.
mike >>
While I agree 100% with your comment about celebrity status and the publics perception that these people somehow are public domain your original post pointed solely to money. I also agree that it is redicules that people feel that way. The point of my post was simply to state that the media has and continues to abuse its power, not to defend Bonds as it has been said. Of course, on the other hand I obviously am incapable of intelligent thought and am in complete denial. Yet somehow everyday I pick up the newspaper or tune into a sports station and there the media sits, tearing down icons. Oh sure there is usually a 2 minute spot for the latest score updates but the next 45 minutes will be about Bonds and how he doesn't deserve the record. Then there is Vick and how he is going to be charged and what a terrible person he is for being involved with dog fighting. Move forward to Clinton Portis and his poor attitude and desgraceful ideals when asked about Vick and his involvement. Who the hell cares what Portis has to say about Vick? Oh, yes, I forgot. The media, thats right, lets put Portis on the spot and ask him a irrelevant question about something that has nothing to do with his team or the upcoming season. News flash, that same reporter asked the same question to every athlete she could get a mircophone in front of. Why? To hopefully get one of them to say something stupid. Well, she got her wish. Now she has a story and they can print it and report it and spread it out like fertilizer. In the end for what? Nothing other then to tear down another athlete, the bigger the better. Every athlete is charged in the court of public opinion now. However, the media plays prosecutor, judge and jury. They report what they want to, when they want to and how they want to. Vick has been convicted in the public eye, it is irrelevant whether or not he will be charged or is even guilty. The media will spend 6 months on the story replaying it over and over, revisiting how he will be charged in a few days and if he is exonerated they will do a 30 second spot on how he was. Yet the lasting effect will be he got off because who he is or some other weak excuse other then he was not guilty. Same holds true with Bonds, lets not embrace the chase for the good of baseball and young fans that may idolize Bonds. No, lets create termoil and shove unproven scandels in the faces of everyone. Again, the media is allowed to report with reckless abandonment and hide behind shroud of freedom of the press. Once the stone has been cast into the water you can not stop the ripples, yet the media knows this and thrives on it everyday and people read and listen and take it as gospel.
Lets face it, I read it in Newsweek or heard it on ESPN so it MUST be true, right?
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
My Registry Sets
Good luck Bonds!
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
<< <i>I'm a little surprised that no Cubs fans have chimed in to say that they'd throw the ball back onto the field if it happened at Wrigley. I think it would be really cool, and ridiculously stupid, to do just that. >>
it's a sacred don't go around stomping on sacred tradition.....i'd keep the ball and throw Barry a goat
Some tool will pay big money for this irrelevant piece of excrement.
<< <i>I find it odd that some of the responses to this thread say the would sell the ball because it is Bonds who is breaking the record. I doubt that who the player is would really dictate whether or not someone would sell it. I think if the cash incentive is the reason to sell the ball then it simply would not matter who it was. I am in no way defending Bonds but I personally have never met the man, and do not know anything about him other then what has been in the media. Personally I can not imagine what life must be like with the constant barrage of people who cannot discern between public and private times for any athlete much less one like Bonds. Does anyone really think that if he took steriods it really accounts for that many more homeruns then he has hit. I doubt that steriods alone would turn someone into a career .300 hitter, there has to be some talent involved. Bonds power numbers started to increase in the early 90s and besides the year he hit 73 have been consistent from that point on in the 40 range. Of course there have been plenty of players who have posted career numbers in the homerun category and never come close again. Brady Anderson hit 50 in 1996, yet never managed more then 24 before or after...must have been steriods. In 1961 Maris hit 61, closest he came was the year before and after (39 and 33 respectively), 1963 and 64 were mediocre with 23 and 26 while his normal year was around 19 round trippers. Must have been steriod years between 1960 and 1964. Luis Gonzalez hit 57 2001 while only mustering up 30 or more once, the year before...again, must have been steriods that year. The list goes on and on for players who have managed to throw up numbers that did not match their career stats. Again, I am not defending Bonds but other then the year with 73 his totals have been consistent since the early 90's and I'm not sure I am ready to believe the marketing machine known as the media. All the dirty laundry they can sell means more money ... feed the machine ... feed the machine ... feed the machine! >>
I'm not sure I'd be throwing around the names of Luis Gonzalez and Brady Anderson as somehow proving that Bonds didn't use steroids or something. It's pretty universally acknowledged that Anderson was a steroid user and there have been more than a few allegations surround Gonzalez as well
You also mentioned Michael Jordan - what makes you think Michael DIDN'T use? The NBA is ignored by the media when it comes to steroids but let's not kid ourselves - there's a whole lot of roid guys in that league. Without directly accusing Jordan, it certainly wouldn't surprise me if he did use them...
Now, as for Bonds - my beef with him is two-fold: 1) He's a racist (remember the stuff he said about breaking Ruth's HR total); 2) He's a jerk who went to court to get his child support payments reduced during the 1994 players' strike - that's just straight-up douchebaggery to me.
So there.
Oh yeah, I would sell the ball, preferably to someone who would give the ball either to the HOF or to Bonds.
1. kind of a stretch to assume that because he said he would "not be bothered if he did not break Aaron's record but would be happy to break Ruth's record" that he is a racist. Wonder what his first wife (white) thought about being married to a racist. Bet you'd love to read the hate mail Bond's receives every day from the real racists. And don't tell me they're all concerned citizens worried about steroids in professional sports. Right.
2. Bonds didn't go to court to get his child support payments reduced but of course, all the Bond's haters out there view the glass as always "half empty". His ex-wife actually went to court to get the payments increased and because of her impeccable timing (during the strike), the court reduced the payments to a mere $7500 per month. Add that to the settlement agreement amounts for other expenses and he was still paying her $20K per month.
On the topic of what you would do with the ball......very amusing responses but obviously there is not a single person on this forum who would not sell the ball and happily pose with their new best buddy Barry.
Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards
My PSA Registry Sets
34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
<< <i><<<<Now, as for Bonds - my beef with him is two-fold: 1) He's a racist (remember the stuff he said about breaking Ruth's HR total); 2) He's a jerk who went to court to get his child support payments reduced during the 1994 players' strike - that's just straight-up douchebaggery to me.>>>
1. kind of a stretch to assume that because he said he would "not be bothered if he did not break Aaron's record but would be happy to break Ruth's record" that he is a racist. Wonder what his first wife (white) thought about being married to a racist. Bet you'd love to read the hate mail Bond's receives every day from the real racists. And don't tell me they're all concerned citizens worried about steroids in professional sports. Right.
2. Bonds didn't go to court to get his child support payments reduced but of course, all the Bond's haters out there view the glass as always "half empty". His ex-wife actually went to court to get the payments increased and because of her impeccable timing (during the strike), the court reduced the payments to a mere $7500 per month. Add that to the settlement agreement amounts for other expenses and he was still paying her $20K per month.
On the topic of what you would do with the ball......very amusing responses but obviously there is not a single person on this forum who would not sell the ball and happily pose with their new best buddy Barry.
Spoken like a guy who has Bonds as his avatar.
Loves me some shiny!
It's lonely up here, believe me.
But, no hate mail...yet.
Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards
My PSA Registry Sets
34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
It is useless to try and debate with factual information against the fictional media blitz. There are some people who will always believe what they hear and read no matter what the actual proof points to. People like to use the excuse that any rational and intelligent person can draw to the conclusion based on the information given. I agree, however the key conponent is that the information being given must be factual. Testimonials by 2nd hand parties in my book are not good enough. I say again, if you dislike him because you think he is arrogant, or you think he does not fit the mold of what a Major Leaguer should be, fine. But to say he is a cheater that does not deserve to enjoy his accomplishment given the actual facts that are available right now is an excuse to discredit him based on a personal hatred for the man. Perhaps some of these same people have racist feelings for him as well (I did not bring this up but since it is now in play its a fair ball).
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
<< <i>I'm not sure I'd be throwing around the names of Luis Gonzalez and Brady Anderson as somehow proving that Bonds didn't use steroids or something. It's pretty universally acknowledged that Anderson was a steroid user and there have been more than a few allegations surround Gonzalez as well
You also mentioned Michael Jordan - what makes you think Michael DIDN'T use? The NBA is ignored by the media when it comes to steroids but let's not kid ourselves - there's a whole lot of roid guys in that league. Without directly accusing Jordan, it certainly wouldn't surprise me if he did use them...
Now, as for Bonds - my beef with him is two-fold: 1) He's a racist (remember the stuff he said about breaking Ruth's HR total); 2) He's a jerk who went to court to get his child support payments reduced during the 1994 players' strike - that's just straight-up douchebaggery to me.
So there.
Oh yeah, I would sell the ball, preferably to someone who would give the ball either to the HOF or to Bonds.
Tabe >>
Anderson and Gonzalez topic - First I am sure I mentioned Maris's numbers as well but obviously you have no rebutal fo him, its OK. On the other hand can you give me the source that shows where Anderson and Gonzalez failed steriod tests. Actually just post the link to the article where either one admits to using steriods. I will be interested to read them.
Jordan topic - really not the point if he used them or not was simply added to prove (along with the Rose comment that I see you left out) that some players are/or would be excused from infractions based on the publics opinion of them (which by the way is directly influenced by the power of the media).
Now as for Bonds - actual facts have been posted already so I see no need to post more on this.
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
About 2 weeks ago, I thought I might have a chance since me and my friends have 7 season tix to the Sox in the CF bleachers.....Giants come to town mid-June...we had a plan that if Barry was at 754 or 755, in between innings before each Barry at-bat we'd spread out - one or two of us would stay in our seats, while others would strategically linger in the vomitory/aisles....but Barry's slump makes it unlikely he'll be doing it Boston....too bad, the ensuing booing would have been great to have on tape for all-time.
as for the poster who said Cubs fans would throw it back...there is not a chance in hell that ball is going back on the field if it gets hit out in Wrigley.
<< <i> your original post pointed solely to money >>
I can see the confusion - the use of the money was hyperbole to focus in on the fact that "as a celebrity"
Bonds makes immense amount of money off the sweat and tears of common people who pay outrageous amounts of hard earned cash to attend games and buy autos, packs of cards etc.
So, as a celebrity - ya take what comes with the ride.
And as it goes for the media? Bonds truly brought that upon himself IMO.
Many, many players quietly have HOF quality careers without being the target of media megalomaniacs.
But, I do see your point when it comes to the media - they can be vicious.
<< <i>Bonds makes immense amount of money off the sweat and tears of common people who pay outrageous amounts of hard earned cash to attend games and buy autos, packs of cards etc. >>
This is voluntary of course and I am not in total disagreement with you. However, I have always found it odd that people blame the players for their salaries. I cannot think of any "common person" that would pass up the oppurtunity to negotiate their salary. Lets put the blame where it really belongs. The only reason sports figures have such inflated salaries is because the owners want to win and are willing to pay whatever it takes to get there. Why is Roger Clemens allowed to dictate such extreme demands in his contract? The reason is because their is a team that is willing to accept his demands in exchange for his pitching. If all the teams took a pass and he sat his butt at home for a season he might have a different view. Salaries are no different. Owners dictate the salaries by agreeing to pay a certain price not players and agents.
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
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<< <i>My luck would be that I would catch number 756 and while the camera's are on me the PA announcer says that Barry Bonds just confessed to steroid use rendering the ball valueless. >>
i say you're dead wrong there.....look what Pete Rose's "honesty" has done for the value of his collectibles
<< <i>Graphix, I could bring Barry in person to your house, make him eat a sparrow in front of your face and you would still find a way to deny that Barry's a sparrow-eater. He is what he is, no matter your repeated attempts to whitewash him. >>
Except I have already said if he was found quilty I agree he should be banned from baseball and stripped of the record so really this comment is an attack at me and not the issue. Atleast attempt to offer proof rather then muddy the water.
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
<< <i>Pete annoys quite a few people to distraction, but his rookie's still in demand. Go figure. >>
I have know idea what this is supposed to mean. Unless it reaffirms my point that people dislike or hate Bonds and are willing to be blind to the actual facts surronding his steroid allegations while they are willing to forgive Rose for any indiscretions because he was is cool dude.
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
Spoken like a guy who has Bonds as his avatar
HEY I do too! He just took the WRONG hormones that week
<< <i>YO! He already said he took them, buit didn't know they were roids. i enevr knew there were a TRUE topical steroid. If he gets caught NOW, they should have him drawn and quartered... >>
I thought he admitted to using a cream (which at the time was NOT on the MLB banned substance list when he used it) for his arthritis. Again, I just want to make sure I understand the facts as they really are.
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!