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30 day submission?

Anybody else ever submit a 30 day submission of stamps? How long did it take? Mine has been "received" since April 2nd according to the website(actually it was at PSE by the 27th of Mar. if I remember correctly) So that's 47 days, as there is still no grades or mailing time on the site under the submission status for my form #. I know the times are aproximate, but what is a reasonable aprox time. I had a 60 day extension on several of these stamps from the seller, now that time has expired on a few. It's been 60 days JUST since I mailed the stamps. Any good advice from anyone?


  • 52 days now.
  • Well that was a COMPLETE waste of money. Grades just posted on site. HORRIBLE GRADES. I must be a complete amateur again. I scrutinized over most of these for months, can't wait to see why such low grades. Oh well put em on ebay and sell them for 5 dollars each, wise investment. Check it out under submission # 1054928.
  • KentuckyJKentuckyJ Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭

    What grades were you hoping for? Did you go PSE cert instead of encapsulated? Are the -0's- equal to a PCGS coin bodybag?

  • KentuckyJ,

    I requested paper certs so that if I had to return a stamp to a seller they would not complain about it being encapsulated. Of course since it took over 3 weeks longer than the aprox 30 days I will probably not be able to return any of them. As far as the "0" that means the stamps did not meet the "minimum grade" I put on the form, i.e. if a stamp does not make a "90" you get an UNgraded cert. One of the stamps I put a minimum grade of 90 and they graded it ANYWAY and gave it an 85!! I was not hoping to get all 98's by far (maybe 2 or 3 more 95's)but most of the stamps got my absolute lowest minimum grade (mostly 90) I was hoping for more than 2 really good grades out of 19 stamps at a cost of $25 each(That's why I spend so much time examining the stamps before sending). If any of the 90's have a "mention" as to what caused the lower grade, they will be unsellable even at the PSE price guide values and hence a waste of money as most of the 90 grades I got are worth less than $100 now. I may be just about done with grading after this, I will wait to receive my stamps and see what the actual results(grade deductions etc) are/were. But if I am this inexperienced with submitting stamps with the amount of examination I give my stamps , then there is little hope. Beside being way too much of a $$ loss. This is the worst batch of grades since my 1st or second submission in 2003(I think) Honestly,I feel like a complete moron at this point.
  • dougwtxdougwtx Posts: 566 ✭✭
    I would not give up. Maybe the graders just had a bad day. Although it is not suppose to be different, I would bet that if you resubmit, your grades would be different. Of course, this would not be feasible unless the price points make it worthwhile. That is one of the downsides with grading, you can resubmit the same item, and get different grades.
  • KentuckyJKentuckyJ Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭

    > you can resubmit the same item, and get different grades

    This is definitely true on the coin side. Those who do so are called 'crack out artists.' Is it happening also with PSE? I was thinking the standards that determine a stamp grade are easier to define than those that look at the surface of a coin.

    I hope PSE doesn't become known for playing grading games to enhance their revenue stream.


  • I honestly don't know what I think right now... I have heard the stories of people breaking out coins from slabs for resubmission for higher grades. I think I mentioned this to Mike Sherman in a previous post and how if that were to start happening with the grading of stamps that my confidence in the whole process would be undermined(and it would be) With the differentiation between "Very Minor Faults" and "Extremely Minor Faults" I think that it has made a broad/strange gap between 90's 95's and 98's in grading. So many anomalies can be categorized as a "fault" (of whatever degree) or be ignored as just that ,an anomaly(please excuse my spelling if incorrect) I was supposed to call Mike and discuss this(this was before I saw my grades on my latest submission) But I don't know if there is really a resolution to encompass all of the different oddball anomalies a thin piece of gummed paper can exhibit. For example, if you guys have the most current grading guide, a gum fingerprint is still not mentioned as to how it will affect a grade, and they are common on OG stamps and never hinged, and exponentially so with age. Tongs were not always used nor was being "never hinged" a factor in collecting at some point in time(this too would still be a fault in my opinion, but does how does someone submitting a stamp guage the severity of such?). I have had stamps graded that I was amazed/and elated at the grade being so high. Well as usual I am starting to digress. I'm still trying to digest the implications of the adjustments in grading and how a non-expert can interpret them. More later if I can figure it out. By the way my "30" day submission took From April 2nd to May 24th a little more than "aprox." OK I'm just complaining. Really I will write some more....
  • New computer, trying to get use to it, got my stamps, some I agree with others are judging leaning to the lower grade. If I ever figure it out maybe I will post some pictures.
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