Oh, those wacky ebayers..... UPDATE: I TOTALLY WENT OFF ON THIS GUY....

So a guy buys a 1992 OPC set from me for $18 from my ebay store. I go and look and see that I actually sold my last one, but I do have about 3000 loose 1992 OPC cards from box breaks, so I could easily put a few sets together. Here is my email to the guy:
"Thanks for purchasing the 1992 OPC set. In looking through my inventory, I had one less set than I thought I did. What I do have is about 3000 unsorted singles, which would probably be enough to put together 2 sets with a bunch of doubles. If you want, I can send you the entire lot of 3000 cards (I only have 1 Manny Ramirez though), or I can sort out one set and send it to you. I'll leave it up to you. "
Here is his response:
"thanks but no thanks , i have 3000 unsorted singles of my own, and as a bostonian, and red sox fan all i really wanted was the new rameriz, sorry you wasted my time,i,ll skip the feedback and just move on."
$18 is a lot to pay for a card that sells in the $2-$4 range. I guess I wasted this guy's time by asking if he wanted free cards.
"Thanks for purchasing the 1992 OPC set. In looking through my inventory, I had one less set than I thought I did. What I do have is about 3000 unsorted singles, which would probably be enough to put together 2 sets with a bunch of doubles. If you want, I can send you the entire lot of 3000 cards (I only have 1 Manny Ramirez though), or I can sort out one set and send it to you. I'll leave it up to you. "
Here is his response:
"thanks but no thanks , i have 3000 unsorted singles of my own, and as a bostonian, and red sox fan all i really wanted was the new rameriz, sorry you wasted my time,i,ll skip the feedback and just move on."
$18 is a lot to pay for a card that sells in the $2-$4 range. I guess I wasted this guy's time by asking if he wanted free cards.
Hmmm. Tough call.
Should have just sold him the Ramirez for $18 using his logic....
In fact, I'll go a little bit farther and say that it's unprompted acts of generosity like this which completely ruin the ebay experience for myself and everyone else out there. Nice work, Lee-- why don't you go visit this guy and kick his cat while you're at it.
I responded by saying I think he misunderstood and I'd be happy to build the set for him. I was simply offering him free cards, which I guess he doesn't need since he has 3000 of his own 1992 OPC lying around. I don't know about you, but I always go around buying sets that I could build myself for free with cards I have.
D's: 50P,49S,45D+S,43D,41S,40D,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
Q's: 52S,47S,46S,40S,39S,38S,37D+S,36D+S,35D,34D,32D+S
74T: 241,435,610,654 97 Finest silver: 115,135,139,145,310
95 Ultra GM Sets: Golden Prospects,HR Kings,On-Base Leaders,Power Plus,RBI Kings,Rising Stars
Are you the guy who jamned kryptonite in Supermans back in Superman returns?
This is a funny thread, and I would take the 40 oz steak every time
<< <i>Look on the bright side-- at least he's sufficienly PO'd now to not leave + feeback. I know that nothing bunges my BVD's like being offered free cards from a courteous seller, so I can 100% relate to this guy's response.
In fact, I'll go a little bit farther and say that it's unprompted acts of generosity like this which completely ruin the ebay experience for myself and everyone else out there. Nice work, Lee-- why don't you go visit this guy and kick his cat while you're at it. >>
I nominate this for post of the day
Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12
Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
Hey, what is your ebay name? I want to block you on my good sellers list
<< <i>I'm "feartheterps". Boo really does have a bone to pick with me. Look at the feedback he left on 4/26.....
Lee >>
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
<< <i>I'm "feartheterps". Boo really does have a bone to pick with me. Look at the feedback he left on 4/26.....
Lee >>
Bravo, boo! You just went up a notch in my book
<< <i>Don't think I didn't reciprocate either.... >>
+1 for pump
Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12
Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
Lets watch it with the Rio Linda cracks..............................!!!!!!!
I have family that resemble that crack!!!!!!
<< <i>One of the finest collections of Liza Minnelli memorabilia I have ever seen >>
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Me: I think you misunderstood. I have no problem building a 92 OPC set for you. I thought maybe you wanted the extra 92 OPC cards at no extra cost. I can have the set put together over the next few days and ship out immediately.
Him: no i did not misunder stand, if you dont have the item i bid on, i dont want and will not buy some set of cast offs. as previosly stated it was the mint rameriz card and since you said you didnt have it i bid on and bought others so thanks but no thanks
Me: I don't know where you got the impression that I didn't have a mint Ramirez. All of the 92 OPC cards I have came from recently opened boxes that came out of a fresh case, including the Ramirez. These are not a bunch of "castoffs" as you put it. These are case-fresh mint 92 OPC cards. These are also the same cards I used to build the other sets I had sold on ebay, so the set you're getting is no different than the one I listed and the ones I've sold in the past. It just happened to not be put together at the time you ordered it.
Him: i have already seen a scan of the rameriz, so save it , at this point since you want to insist that the sale is binding, despite the fact your maessage said you did not have the set but instead offered me some 3000 unsorted cards. and then you say now you have sorted me a set , well if you think i would now rather have this set than the 3000 cards you tendered you are wrong.if you want to complete this at this point i want the 3000 cards as offered or no sale. sorry you got me in this bind, i tried to say nicely that i would skip it since you stated you could,nt complete it but if your offer was valid i,ll accept.
Me: You bought the set and I gave you two choices:
Either the 3000 cards including one mint Ramirez for $18 (which was a very generous offer), or just the sorted set you agreed to buy. You had two choices. You declined on the 3000 cards so I put together a set. It took me all of three hours to put the set you bought together and now you don't want it. I probably shouldn't have even said anything and just put the set togther, but I was trying to be a good guy and offer you extra cards and save myself time in the process. 9 out of 10 people would've taken the 3000 cards in a heartbeat.
I have no idea why you're being so difficult on this. I was willing to send you free cards in lue of taking the time to put the set together and you declined. Now you want to back out on the deal or take the original 3000 cards I offered which you declined. My instinct tells me you realized you could buy the Manny by itself for $2-$4, which is what you should've done in the beginning.
You bought the set, I have the set, and now that you're being a jackass about it, I'm going to move on because I don't need ignorant pig-headed morons like you in my life. Also, just so you know, I posted this situation on the Collector's Universe forums and all hobbyists there agree that you are a moron. Here's the thread: http://forums.collectors.com/messageview.cfm?catid=11&threadid=586585&highlight_key=y&keyword1=wacky
This is a hobby and it's supposed to be fun. I don't buy and sell for a living. Idiots like you that make it difficult to buy and sell without all kinds of problems really kill the hobby. Don't bid on any of my other auctions. Ever. Just go away.
My Registry Sets
This is a low-dollar baseball-card deal between an experienced seller
and a PITA buyer.
It is not worth engaging in multiple hostile-exchanges with a PITA buyer.
I would never respond to anybody like that; ONLY because it would make me
look bad, not because he didn't deserve it.
OTOH, everybody has their own style. Whatever works.
To eliminate this problem, I have found the best option for me is to buy factory sealed items. This reduces the chances of receiving dinged or poorly packaged cards. I know it is not 100% but it does increase my odds of getting mint cards.
It is nice to see a seller trying to make things right but sounds like the buyer is willing (and wanting) to let it go.
Creeper- I think you're missing the point. He agreed to buy a hand-collated set from pack fresh cards. I have a great feedback record and a history of selling nice sets, so condition, packaging, and shipping really aren't an issue. I would've been fine to let it go had he not sent me the "Thanks for wasting my time" message after I offered him 2200 free cards or the set he agreed to purchase. It's not like I was asking him to wait 3 weeks for me to put a set together- it was done the next day.
Where do I buy? I always wanted to be 18"
<< <i>Also, his id is "daddyjoecoolpop" for anyone who wants to block the jackass from bidding on their auctions.
Lee >>
Another tool added to the blocked list.
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
that guy is quite the tool. he is on my blocked list. geez. you try to be nice... stop doing that
"Molon Labe"
<< <i> He agreed to buy a hand-collated set from pack fresh cards. >>
And that kicks the leg out from under any possible gripe he would have had.
Had he been buying a factory set and this happened, I could see him passing (but not being a rude dope, as he obviously was.) But the fact that you offered him what he bought, plus a substantial free bonus, and he acted like you rode your dirt bike onto his porch, marks him out as a classic PITA.
what are some people thinking????
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
What's funny is I could care less about his $18- I was only trying to hold him to the deal because he was such an a-hole about what I thought was a pretty generous offer. Hell, it probably would've cost me an extra $8-10 to ship the 3000 cards vs. the one set, but I didn't mind. I've been trying to explain to him that a mint set is still mint whether I put it together today or 3 years ago. As it turns out, I had 2 sets (1 minus the Ramirez) in the 3000 cards and a ton of doubles of guys like Ryan, Ripken, Griffey, etc.... His loss I guess.
I know I come off looking a little like a hothead for going off like I did, but you just gotta let it out sometimes. I'm done with this clown.
Since you now have that huge surplus of 1992 OPC cards lying around, how about hook me up with #608-Scott Bradley--then my 1992 OPC wantlist will be finished
p.s.--and please don't come back with any offers to send me thousands of extra free cards--that will alert to the fact that these cards are trash and you are trying to scam me.
"eat s*** and die"
See, it's the little things like this that make life worth living.