I am now the Offical Wondercoin translator/psychicreader/diplomat

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From the recent events of past days, we have all seen that Wondercoin can, and will, lie. We have no way of telling what is true, and what isn't true. Is this a legal matter? No? It's all on the record, for all to see, and I base my statements on Wondercoins recent posts. So, now, I will take upon the responsibility of being a.....lets a ......for lack of a better word....MENTOR to Wondercoin...until he can learn how to post FACTs, instead of wetdreams. I will take the task upon myself to oversee each and every single post he makes, and point out to you, the great uneducated, morons, and complete idiots....point out to YOU, his real meaning...so that YOU, TO, can be as enligtened as M I T C H. We all knew the savior would come some day....but W H O would of thought his name would of been M I T C H and he would have his own translator (me!).
From the recent events of past days, we have all seen that Wondercoin can, and will, lie. We have no way of telling what is true, and what isn't true. Is this a legal matter? No? It's all on the record, for all to see, and I base my statements on Wondercoins recent posts. So, now, I will take upon the responsibility of being a.....lets a ......for lack of a better word....MENTOR to Wondercoin...until he can learn how to post FACTs, instead of wetdreams. I will take the task upon myself to oversee each and every single post he makes, and point out to you, the great uneducated, morons, and complete idiots....point out to YOU, his real meaning...so that YOU, TO, can be as enligtened as M I T C H. We all knew the savior would come some day....but W H O would of thought his name would of been M I T C H and he would have his own translator (me!).
My Other Hobby
If you're going to translate, try to preserve his condescending tone (as in his allusion to being another Orson Welles, or in his reply to Keith). That way, we'll all be reminded who NOT to buy from. Sure, he apologized, but I think he's more sorry that he may lose customers than for what he did. His arrogant and sarcastic replies reveal a great deal about his character.
PED prefix would mean foot or child (I would guess)
ANTIC suffix would mean carrying on (antics ?)
I would then surmise, to be succinct, using my erudite capabilities brought forth by my public school education (including 5 years of college) that we are talking about either a foot being asleep or childish activity ...
I love Ike dollars and all other dollar series !!!
I also love Major Circulation Strike Type Sets, clad Washingtons ('65 to '98) and key date coins !!!!!
If ignorance is bliss, shouldn't we have more happy people ??
Talk about pedantic! LOL
Ya got me reachin' for my Webster's!
That's the first good laugh I've had in the last 20 threads. Great analysis. Thanks.
My Other Hobby
Exactly what we don't need.