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Does anyone else get these kind of offers?

About once or twice a month I get an unsolicited offer for a trade or sale. No problem with that I have sent them out myself. Sometimes a deal goes down, sometimes it does not.

But today I got the most outrageous offer ever. I have a 2nd year John Riggins (1973) PSA 10. It is a 1/1. Riggins was controversial with a lot of fans and detractors but he is a HOFer and a SB MVP. I bought the card because of the crazy Afro he had on it.

Anway I get an email today from someone asking if I want to trade or sell. I politely tell him that I would prefer to keep it, but no card is untouchable and I would not turn down any great offer.

The card books for $80 in PSA 9. Even a conservative 3x the 9 price brings it to $240.

His offer two 1975 PSA 9 high pop baseball commons and one 1976 high pop PSA 9 baseball common. He then adds he may be able to add up to $50.

I took the high road and just politely declined. Anyone else ever get an offer that they CAN easily REFUSE?


  • Brian48Brian48 Posts: 2,624 ✭✭✭
    I don't remember the card, but it was like over $100. I got an email from someone who tracked me down as the buyer. He said "You're the one who bought the xxxxx for $100+, right?. I really want the card, would you consider selling it?". I sent him a reply that I wasn't planning on selling it, but would consider the offer if it was good enough. He replies "I'll give you $90 for for it".

    I don't get it. He knows how much I spent, yet he offers me a price BELOW that and expects me to consider it? Told him no thank you without calling him a moron.
  • Poor John. No one wants'em. Gotta love the hair though.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    I missed an auction for a highest graded 9 Beckett rc that sold for $90, got in touch with the winner and offered him $450 because I wanted the card bad, he declined.

    A year later he wanted to sell it and forgot my name. So his friend, the guy that sold it for him on ebay, asked me if I was the one that made the offer.

    I picked it up for just over $200.

  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭
    I've bought and sold many coins and cards on Feebay. For some of my items , I include a best offer feature. I ALWAYS get some butthole that offers about 10-15 % of value. I'll politely decline and then they will try a second offer for maybe 5 to 10 cents more. I decline again , then they bump it up one more time by a dime or quarter, but now they want free shipping. I realize there must be alot of "Bottom Feeders " out there that are hopeing for the lucky hit. I love checking their feedbacks and see all the $.99 items that make up their prize collections.

    Earlier this year I sold a low end 1877 Pcgs graded indian head penny for around $800. I decline 2 offers for under $50. They never stop amazing me.
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    It makes you wonder if they have any success with that strategy ?
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