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In one (mailbox) door and out the other - grrr... 2007 britannia woes

Well, I got my replacement 2007 silver britannia from the BRM yesterday. They shipped it in a mint card holder, which consists of a cardboard card, a rear plastic lens, and...THAT'S IT.

The coin holder they mailed it in did not have a front lens to cover the coin, and as a consequence, it popped right out of the holder and was floating loose in the plastic bag the card was in. I've never seen anything that stupid in my life! The bloody coin is expected to travel from Great Britain to the US in a bubble mailer with absolutely no way of keeping the coin in the holder? The US mint does a better job that that, for pete's sake!

Needless to say, the coin is currently back in the mail to the BRM facilities in MN, where I am exchanging it for another one. I didn't even pop it back into the card.

Is the BRM actually shipping these out like that this year or did my coin somehow just not get a front lens to cover the coin?

This was attempt number 2 to get a nice raw 2007. The first one I got was nice, but was probably more like a 66. This one could have passed for a 68 - MINUS THE HAIRLINES IT GOT IN SHIPPING!

Good to get that off my chest...


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