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OT- Payment lost in the mail...

This one is for all the sellers who have had buyers claim they mailed their payments and they must be lost (myself included)

Yesterday, I received an envelope from the Post Office that was stamped "claims & inquiries" & "found loose in the mail". It contained my money order that I mailed just 3 days earlier to a buyer that doesn't accept Paypal.
Despite taping the envelope shut, somehow the invoice & money order became seperated from the envelope, (I'm sure it had nothing to do with being addressed to West Coast Memorabilia image ) but luckily I completely filled out all my mailing info on the money order and the PO was able to return it.
Now it's going to be tougher to not believe a buyer when they claim their payment is lost in the mail.

A side note... with so many sellers on Ebay using "baseball cards, sportscards or sports memorabilia" isn't it amazing that more envelopes/mailers aren't delivered opened or empty? Not knocking the PO, but here central/southern NJ, we have a lot of carriers that aren't post office employees but freelance carriers that could have a field day w/ the # of padded-mailers that get delivered to me every week. My carrier is excellent and goes out of her way to ring the bell when there's a few mailers or boxes... gotta remember to pickup a Target gift-card for her this week!


  • PubliusPublius Posts: 1,306 ✭✭
    I had that happen twice. Mailed a MO, it didnt arrive. Got a refund, and another MO, mailed it, it didnt arrive the 2nd time

    On the 3rd try, I abbreviated his name so as not to have it say " Eddies Card shack emporium" or whatever, and he got it, 4 weeks, several PO''d emails, him threatening to relist the card etc.

    Now I know paypal has fees etc. So does a visa card, but all business take visa and pay the 1-2% with a smile knowing its convenient for their customers and them if they ever got robbed. I dont know why all sellers dont take paypal, or visa over the phone or something.

  • I think this dealer does take Visa over the phone, but not 100% sure. I've dealt with this seller a few times in the past with no problems. I don't believe I've addressed the envelope to West Coast Memorabilia in the previous transactions however. My envelope (or contents of the envelope) only went as far as a sorting office where the money order somehow escaped the envelope.
    Thankfully, the PO sent the MO back to me, but on this next mailing attempt, I'll address the envelope the way I have on previous purchases.
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    One more reason not to buy from stoneage minded sellers who do not take Paypal.
  • SoutherncardsSoutherncards Posts: 1,384 ✭✭

    << <i>One more reason not to buy from stoneage minded sellers who do not take Paypal. >>

    I sell on ebay, I dont care for paypal and I will probably never accept it as a form of payment.

    I take offense to being labeled as "stoneage"

  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    non paypal users are prolly most likely that way b/c of e-bay fees associated w/ using their services eh?

    i accept paypal, but have been called a caveman before also?

    i must b the missing link.

  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "...non paypal users are prolly most likely that way b/c of e-bay fees associated w/ using their services eh?"


    The fees are easy. Buyers pay those fees.

    The challenge is that millions of sellers still think
    that PayPal is going to steal their money by
    going into their checking-account/credit-card.
    THAT is no longer how PayPal works. When the
    last consent decree was entered into, those
    practices largely ended.

    If PayPal has a problem with you, they freeze
    your account and attempt to cajole you into
    sending them the amount alleged to be due.

    PayPal is still the smoothest way for sellers
    to play the game on EvilBAY.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭
    I sent a seller $8 in cash 4 days after an auction ended. He claimed to have not received it, I asked him to wait a week. (He lives in HI). I then get an unpaid item reminder notice and let him know again that it was mailed. I then get another email a couple days later and I agree to send another $8 to him. I sent a check this time. I haven't seen it hit my bank or gotten an email from the seller... I'm a little po'd but the seller has 1500+ and is 100% so I have to believe it just didn't make it, but I doubt that two payments were lost. He of course thinks I'm trying to stiff him out of $8. <shrug>
  • GDM67GDM67 Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭✭
    Just to throw this in...I just completed an auction where I sent a guy a money order which didn't show up for 20 days. He was extraordinarily cool about it, but after two weeks, I went ahead and sent him a replacement. That was a Monday, that Thursday he e-mailed me that he had gotten the first one, postmarked the day I sent it (April 13) and then the next day, e-mailed me that he'd gotten my second one, so...it happens.

    His envelope was addressed to him, personally, so the issue of alerting someone to what was inside didn't come up. I'm just making the point that sometimes stuff happens. This was the worst example in the decade plus that I've been ordering stuff in the mail using USPS money orders. The worst by a long shot.
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