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contemplating selling my 1960 set

Hi there, I have seen this topic posted several times previously. I am contemplating selling my 1960 topps set ( all Psa7 or Psa 8). I understand the best way to do this is probably selling each card individually, but I am not sure I have the patience for it. I am thinking of choosing one of the auction sites to sell it. I was wondering what peoples thought are on which auction house is the best way to go for this type of set. Is there negotiation of consignment fees? Also any ballparks on what I should be looking to get for it? My set is in the registry with photos of all the cards. I would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks, Jeff. image


  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    The way prices are on common cards, I fear that
    busting the set up for sale might not be the best

    I would try to sell the whole set, first.

    I would try EBAY with a high BIN before I chose
    an auction company.

    All of the big auction outfits are reliable.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    what sport are you talking about?????????????????????
  • sorry baseball
  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    If you consign it to an auction house the buyer is going to pay close to a 20% commission, so even if you get a 0% consignment rate there is a lot of money that you aren't going to see.
    My advice would be to run it on ebay either as a fixed price auction or with a reserve. Give it a few runs, and if it doesn't sell then consider consigning it. You should throw it up here as well.
    As far as auction houses go, some would be better for a lot like this than others. IMO it will get lost in Mastro, and REA isn't having another auction for a year. Bill Goodwin runs a good auction several times a year, is great to deal with, and should give you a very attractive deal on commission. Huggins and Scott is also running some good auctions, and your set would go well with either of them. They are both fair to both buyers and sellers, and have good reputations.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
  • mandeldmandeld Posts: 350 ✭✭
    How much are you asking for the 1960 set? Please pm me.

    Successful transactions with: vintagetoppsguy, packman, barndog, Big80s, MurphDawg, BrackAttack, mealeworm, Publius, Whiteshoes, bigredone, rube26105, ledsters, reelinintheyears, digicat, themetalsign, OSClabs, 1420sports, bighurt2000, MeteoriteGuy, lsutigers1973, skier07, Machodoc, gameusedhoop, tennesseebanker, Downtown1974, CGeorge, Salinas, corvette1340, lbcoach20, initialD, IJustLoveCards, TedSimmonsFan, Goldlabels, Lothar52, bigred1, Bosox1976, itzagoner, svtPONY95
  • Sent you a private message. Jeff
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good luck on your sale sinnbadd.

  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    I feel curious about the price also???

    Care to post it, or send another PM?

    Sorry your parting with it.

    Thanks and good luck.

  • Thanks Mike, any thoughts on the best way to go?
  • Regarding the price, I have my thoughts, but no firm price. I am not sure what the market is dictating now. I am not in a rush, and my goal is to simply get a fair price for it. Any thoughts by anyone on what a reasonable price would be?
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    Actually I just checked the SMR on that, and it's a little beyond me for the time.

    EDIT TO ADD: SMR is somewhere between 10 and 20k
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Regarding the price, I have my thoughts, but no firm price. I am not sure what the market is dictating now. I am not in a rush, and my goal is to simply get a fair price for it. Any thoughts by anyone on what a reasonable price would be? >>

    It's impossible to say without knowing the makeup of the set. Is it on the registry? If so, what is the link? A PSA 7/8 set with all the stars and low pop commons in 8 is worth a whole lot more than a set with all the stars and low pop commons in 7.
  • null

    Here's the link
  • Any thoughts gemint?
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Thanks Mike, any thoughts on the best way to go? >>

    I don't sell but what Griffins said - sounds good.

    And if ya don't sell regularly on ebay - I recommend you consign to a good seller like Qualitycards. Jay is tops in the hobby - will be honest and give you his best.

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I would think that your set should go for at least 15-17k. I have been selling off my 65 set 7.91 overall with 12% mint 9 cards piecemeal.

    I chose that route cuz I need a hobby. ;-) i also sold off specific cards to other registry members too.

    I would think a good way for you to sell is to list it on the bay for 17k and if no one bites you may get an offer off ebay to sell from someone that saw it on the bay. If that does not work you could try someone like Jay or consign it to an auction house.

    Or you can sell it piece meal and do some work.

    In any event good luck!

    Good for you.
  • Sinnbadd,

    If you choose to sell piecemeal on feebay, I think you'll find decent results. The registry collectors have been fairly active recently, (19 of the top 50 have an "updated" icon next to their name & there's been a couple of new sets added in the last month) It seems when a seller is offering a large part of the collection at one time, the final results are pretty good. Of course, selling piecemeal is a lot of work... if you choose to go that route, I'll be in the bidding.
    Whatever you decide, good luck to you and congrats on putting together a great set!
  • Thanks everyone for the input. I am going to sell it as a set for sure. I have the patience to assemble it piecemeal, but not disassemble it piecemeal. image. I would love to sell it to someone on this forum . It has been instrumental in building the set, and I really hope it will go to someone who loves it. I will entertain offers here first. If nothing materializes in a couple of weeks, I will list it on Ebay. I also have about 50 other Topps 1960 PSA6-PSA8 upgrades if anyone is interested (mainly commons). Please email me here or at tragicjeff@hotmail.com if you are interested. Thanks again, Jeff.
  • Jeff,
    Your pm is off, sent an email to your hotmail addy.

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