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Twin Cities area members, Shinders info?

Twins cities natives, what is the deal with Shinders? i heard that they were closing because the owner is facing drug charges. However I can find no solid info on this only forum gossip. They must be closing the Burnsville store because I went there yesterday and it was pretty bare.

Any one know if this is for sure and if so are they going to close all stores?


  • sagardsagard Posts: 1,901 ✭✭✭
    It is not looking good.

    This seems the only way a company who sells cards, porn and cigars could go out of business.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Shinders, the 90-year-old newsstand chain known as the place to shop for baseball cards, collectibles and pornography, has closed three stores and been dragged into court by its primary banker, Wells Fargo, for failure to pay back loans.

    The struggle comes as owner Robert S. Weisberg faces drug charges after he was pulled over last June in a white Dodge van that contained a .40-caliber submachine gun, Ecstasy, needles and 6 grams of methamphetamine. >>

    that sounds like the greatest card shop ever.. i wish we had one in my town..
  • Ah, Shinders . . . I'd skip school just to hang out at Shinders.

  • leftofdialleftofdial Posts: 443 ✭✭
    I went to the Burnsville store about 3 weeks ago and it looked like they had been in the process of shutting down. Especially the magazine racks which were really bare. The comic section looked ok, but everything else looked 1/2 empty like nothing was getting replenished.

    I hope the other locations are in much better shape

    I think there was an article in the City Pages about it last week, which I barely scanned but it basically told the story from the guy that got pulled over's side.

    Too bad, because even though Shinders was a little overrated, it was always good to pop in and kill 45 minutes or so. Now it's barely worth going to, I'm afraid.

  • Charlie9Charlie9 Posts: 526 ✭✭
    Yeah about 2 weeks ago I went there looking for some supplies (really... no kidding... just some supplies... I didn't even go near the back room... really) and the Eden Prairie one was closed. I then went to the Bloomington one and again it was closed. Finally I checked the Edina one and it was closed as well. I just figured the others were closed as well but never made it downtown or out to Burnsville. I never bought any cards there but they came in handy for occassional supplies here and there so it'll be weird to see them go.
  • I didn't even go near the back room... really

    Sure you didn't!!!image
    NewJerseyMeatHook II
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    I remember when my dad took me there when i was a kid and wanting to go into that back room so bad. Finally when I turned 18, besides going to the strip club and the casino, I made sure to make a stop at Shinder's to visit the back room!!!!
  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭
    I used to spend way too much money at Shinder's. Then they decided to stop getting in high end product, and when they did, they would charge double what you could buy it for anywhere else. They stopped buying at reasonable prices and their singles were almost non-existent and the ones they did have were so overpriced for the grade it wasn't worth it. I couldn't even get a Beckett or supplies there for a stretch. I quit going altogether about October last year.

    Here is some good info if you've got the time to read it. The previous owners opted not to rebuy the place because it has over $3M in debt they would have to assume.


    It's really too bad, I have very fond memories of that place.

  • sagardsagard Posts: 1,901 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I used to spend way too much money at Shinder's. >>

    Yep. On Saturdays after the local shows dried up and buddy and I would agree to meet at Swindlers. You'd pay twice the Ebay rate for virtually anything you'd purchase, but it was still a nice place to visit.
  • image
    NewJerseyMeatHook II
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