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Packing for the move got me thinking today...

Today I started packing for our move coming in about a month. I realized how much stuff I had today and how in the last year my collecting has gotten a bit out of control. I'm not quite sure what to do with everything. I mean, there's a lot of junk cards here. Well, I wouldn't say junk, but stuff that I don't want but I don't just want to give away. Anyone have any suggestions?
Also, when packing to move, any suggestions on how to pack my cards? Most of them are in monster boxes. Thanks!



  • 2dueces2dueces Posts: 6,559 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Guru, Send them all to me, I've got room for them. image
    "I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
  • TNTonPMSTNTonPMS Posts: 2,279 ✭✭
    Send em to PSA for grading .
    That way ya have em shipped to the new Addy and then they'll all be in holders and ya won't have to worry about messin em up.

    Or can ya put em on Ebay as a box of various baseball cards ranging from X- year to X year - X amount of cards maybe lookin to get X $ a piece ?
  • cardbendercardbender Posts: 1,831 ✭✭
    I would dread moving too. I've lived in the same house for 35+ years.

    I would tape the covers down on those monster boxes. Especially if someone other than yourself might be handling them.

    About three years ago I decided to downsize my cards. I went thru monster box after monster box of all the stuff I opened from the 1980' and early 90's. I ended giving over 100,000 pretty mint commons to the local Goodwill store. I did this over the winter so I got a tax break covering two years. I think I got a break of roughly $500 or so on the taxes. I left some stars in the boxes too. Not many but a few in each box. It wasn't all commons. I just wanted it gone. It was a real relief, creating a few walls of unused space here. Plus it was fun going thru all the boxes remembering all the pack ripping /set breaks involved in accummalating all those cards.

    Good luck with your move.......

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Having spent my entire life in the military, I've moved a zillion times!

    My first suggestion - insure the stuff doesn't vibrate - chaffing can ruin stuff.

    Next - seal all the stuff up and don't let movers know what's in it.

    If they ask - what's in the box? Tell them hobby stuff - books, magazines.

    If they find out it's cards? Somehow the stuff magically disappears.

    Finally - take any really valuable stuff with you - or safekeep it at your parents house - then pick it up later if that's convenient or have it mailed to you. I don't trust the movers at all. That's just been my experience.

  • jmbkb4jmbkb4 Posts: 2,963
    you can give the commons to a children's hospital or ward nearby and let the sick kiddos thumb through them. It will help pass the time, make the move easier, and make you feel good at the same time.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>you can give the commons to a children's hospital or ward nearby and let the sick kiddos thumb through them. It will help pass the time, make the move easier, and make you feel good at the same time. >>


    I dropped off lord knows how many 3,600 count boxes at the childrens cancer center a couple of years ago. Gives them hours of entertainment and hopefully for at least a moment, not thinking about what they are going through.
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
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