Whites detector 950 worth anything? 6000/Di PRO SL

Ive never detected before and know nothing about this.
It says Whites Deep scan 950 on it(sorry no photo)
This is @ a garage sale. Is it worth anything or better to buy something newer?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks Larry
It says Whites Deep scan 950 on it(sorry no photo)
This is @ a garage sale. Is it worth anything or better to buy something newer?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks Larry
That name is normally on the coil head.
What we need to know is the name/model that is on the box where the controls are.
Good Luck
Whites 6000/Di Pro SL
It has a needle gauge for depth & coin identity also.
Does this take a special battery or charger hookup.
Im interested in starting,it seems nice,but dont want to waste $ if junk.
Thanks Larry
That is a good unit. I would think under $300.00 price range.
Battery type: C cells 4 of them or a rechargeable type $40.00 - charger $15.00
You can down load manual from White's web site: http://www.whiteselectronics.com/manualsw.php
Good Luck
Edit: It takes "C" cells (4) not "AA" type. :-|
They were very good machines, and state of the art 12-15 years ago.