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Notorized box ?

Hmm a first for me. Was funny at first now Im a little interested.




  • schr1stschr1st Posts: 1,677 ✭✭
    Certainly a bit odd. Sadly, the box will probably sell for less than what it cost to have it notarized back in 1989.
    Who is Rober Maris?
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭
    KInd of a technicality but a notary guarantees that somebody who wrote or said something was actually the person who wrote or said it. Doesn't make it true. A notary saying that he bought the cards new and stamping/sealing it means nothing.

    (jimq is a notary, knows about this stuff)
  • metalmikemetalmike Posts: 2,152 ✭✭
    It's worth 10 bucks just for the novelty. In fact if it wasn't you bidding D- I'd bid. Hope you win it. Mike
    USN 1977-1987 * ALL cards are commons unless auto'd. Buying Britneycards. NWO for life.
  • metalmike and anyone else who is interested. I should of waited and bid at the end if no one else did. I dont have a huge interest in this and anyone that wants to bid feel free. I placed min. bid. I'd probally open it out of curiosity, kinda killing the "value" anyways.
  • GooberGoober Posts: 980 ✭✭✭
    Hmmm, I always thought a notary verified the signature and identity of said inviduals signing a document, not verifying the contents and validity of an item. I guess if the contents aren't valid that notary is in trouble.

    Why step over the dollar to get to the cent? Because it's a 55DDO.
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