How big, Don? You sold me an Al the Great drachm once in an ICG holder. Remember that? Not much bigger than cent sized.
A tetradrachm, on the other hand, would be quarter to even half-dollar sized, with some fluctuations in between. I had one that I gave to my sister once, and it was on the biggest flan I have ever seen a tetradrachm on (but then again, I am pretty green on these). It was a posthumous issue.
Go to and go fish. That is about all I can tellya. I have an old Sear Greek (two volumes, actually) which are castoffs from Dead King's library, but I won't embarrass myself by trying to use them here. You'd likely do better on Wildwinds, at least until Civitas or Coach or one of our other gurus shows up.
You can either buy the Alexander reference book by Price (about $275, which I don't own either),,
Or go through the Wild Winds and CNG databases (like I do) until you match the mint accurately date your Drachms. The second one looks much later in style, kinda like an asia minor mint.
Look under the Chair and under the Eagle for the control marks.
A tetradrachm, on the other hand, would be quarter to even half-dollar sized, with some fluctuations in between. I had one that I gave to my sister once, and it was on the biggest flan I have ever seen a tetradrachm on (but then again, I am pretty green on these). It was a posthumous issue.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Go to and go fish. That is about all I can tellya. I have an old Sear Greek (two volumes, actually) which are castoffs from Dead King's library, but I won't embarrass myself by trying to use them here. You'd likely do better on Wildwinds, at least until Civitas or Coach or one of our other gurus shows up.
Or go through the Wild Winds and CNG databases (like I do) until you match the mint accurately date your Drachms. The second one looks much later in style, kinda like an asia minor mint.
Look under the Chair and under the Eagle for the control marks.