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Headless eagle 1817/3 Bust half

The attached pics are of my 1817 over 3 bust half that is a late die state with "look mom no head" The reverse is weakly struck in areas to say the least. I have noticed several vertical lines running about a mm apart starting in the middle of the left wing extending up to just below the r in the scroll on reverse. If you look real carefully you can see the lines in the middle of the left wing( the eagles right wing) and it disappears in the photo towards the top of the wing. On close inspection with good lite and mag there also appears to be some lettering between the two line. I first thought it might be the headband clashing through to the reverse but it does not line up that way when looking a both sides. Any thoughts from anyone?




  • scooter25scooter25 Posts: 769 ✭✭✭✭
    That is a little creepy lol

  • Very Kool, Thanks for sharing...

    That's the first headless eagle I've ever seen...

    Can't see what your talking about on the reverse, photos at a differant angle might help...

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  • neat!
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,116 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have never seen anything like that...

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  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,530 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, that's cool.

    Makes me have to post my "stealth eagle" 1841 dollar again. image


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  • I have one just like it that I bought about 20 years ago, it was posted in the 1817 Bust half thread but I will repost it here.

  • Dear Rotated, have you looked at yours on the left wing as I described to see if there is a clash or double strike on the middle of the wing? Your coin/post was the one I was referring to in my first post. The AMERICA is also clashed through under the stars on the right side of obverse on mine. They could be brothers!

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