Thoughts Min Size Rejected Cards --- Poll

What are your thoughts on PSA rejecting cards due to not meeting minimum size requirements? This question excludes any card that has been trimmed or tampered with. This is just considering those cards that come from the factory smaller but not miscut. To me, I don't see why these are rejected. They are typically from vending and came from the factory that way. Sometimes complete vending runs can get rejected due to sizing. Sometimes holdering or rejection depends on the particular grader.
PSA does grade oversized cards and even puts them in larger holders with a mylar sleeve. Personally I'd rather have a smaller card in a standard size holder than the larger ones with the mylar sleeve. Since these cards are untampered with and are factory cut, I feel they should be holdered. How do SGC and GAI treat small vending cards? Are they rejecting them as well?
I'll try to set up a poll to solicit your opinion. I've never done one so I hope it works.
PSA does grade oversized cards and even puts them in larger holders with a mylar sleeve. Personally I'd rather have a smaller card in a standard size holder than the larger ones with the mylar sleeve. Since these cards are untampered with and are factory cut, I feel they should be holdered. How do SGC and GAI treat small vending cards? Are they rejecting them as well?
I'll try to set up a poll to solicit your opinion. I've never done one so I hope it works.
I voted for the Q (US), but I do not have much
confidence in any TPG's ability to determine for
sure that the card became US before/after it
left the factory.
I have lots of cards that came straight out of the
pack (US). I did not trim them, and neither did
anybody else.
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