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Buying a pricing gun? Follow up on the show thread.....

So many of you said that prices on cards are important. I currently buy labels at WalMart and print a small page of "$50" $20" etc. tags and then just use them as I go. I think you get a couple hundered for $2.75 or so. Well I can get a price gun and 5 label rolls on ebay for $12 shipped. Do you think this would look better at a show? I know it seems to be more convinient. Also do you think it is better to list book value and then offer discounts if someone asks about a card or list 2 tags with book and sale price or just list the sale price and no book? I usually just put book since beckett calls it 100% of retail and then collectors usually know to ask about prices while sometimes someone will just say they will take that card and pay the marked price. Any feedback is appreciated.

Link to the card show thread


  • Allen, I have a pricing gun and the main thing I found was that I had to have all of my items in order by price to make things go the fastest. All of the $8 cards, then $6, then $10, etc. It was time-consuming for me changing the price between every item because I to rotate the dial to the next price. It is an older gun, about 10 years old now, I don't know if they are any different now or not. I just get the blank 3/4" bright orange dot stickers and write the prices as I go along, much faster for me. The come 1008 to a package, I forget how much they cost. If you doing larger groups of cards I think that the pricing gun is great though.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    The dots work for me.

    BUT, I have had complaints from EBAY buyers about "tag residue" on PSA slabs.

    I also use the post-its, cut small, sometimes. No residue.

    I would spend the $12 on something else.

    Full-Retail is usually a good tag. The line, "Everything is marked down XX%
    today," often forces the shy guys to chat with you.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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