Remember the good old days on the boards?

Please post any highlights or low lights over the years on the registry boards.
It used to be like the buy and sell board with lots of action and fighting. In my opinion the boards have been forever changed since PCGS got lost in their grading standards a couple of years ago. There is virtually no Modern market from 1960-present compared to the old days.
It used to be like the buy and sell board with lots of action and fighting. In my opinion the boards have been forever changed since PCGS got lost in their grading standards a couple of years ago. There is virtually no Modern market from 1960-present compared to the old days.
Good luck!!!!
You simply can't learn in school what you can learn by having to make the decision to sell off or not to sell off an asset and follow the consequences of that decision in the months and years ahead. That is great experience for youngsters to obtain I believe.
Good luck with the sale. Wondercoin
My wife made it VERY clear that the boxes were cluttering up the house and she wasn't happy. I have learned to NEVER make your wife unhappy (at least on the little stuff) - it has ways of backfiring on you. So, I rented 2 large trash dumpsters for close to $150 fee and threw them all out - my inventory went from whatever high level "market value" it had one day to negative $150 the next. And, many of them weren't even modern boxes either
Mike - how are you my friend?
P.S. I plan to address the rest of your question Mark later - the dinner bell is ringing.
I have to say...that decision is correct 99.9% of the time...especially with coins. I do not collect coins as an investment...I collect them for the thrill of the hunt...and simply the hobby.
My daughter is 18 months old and my wife and I met with our broker about 3 months ago to get her 529 (college fund) off the ground. Even with a handsome lump sum down, it is very "eye-opening" when you learn just HOW MUCH money needs to be put away on a monthly basis NOW, in order to provide for that education by the time she reaches college.
Sure makes me take a hard look at how much money I spend on coins on a monthly basis!
<< <i>Ah yes, I do remember the good old days - good fights and slams. Me picking on Russ for averaging 70 posts/day, Redcents under-medicated.................any other highlights? >>
I kinda remember Wondercoin in a duel with someone regarding the outragous price of some of the Statehood Quarters. That had me laughing pretty hard for a while.
Also the Pepperdoodle post where they were going back and forth...that was a fun read.
Later, Paul.
Later, Paul.
What more is there with the Registries and this forum? People sit back and wait for a pop top to pop up and there goes their money. Yeah, everybody calls that the coin hobby of today. By the way, has anybody noticed how Jefferson Gems collection only sold 45 out of the 80 coins in Baltimore last month? And only 2 registry competitors, that I've noticed, upgraded their collections with 2-3 coins together. Most of the pop tops went for good money, not that they were all deserving quality coins but who got them all? On another note, Heritage will have 13 upgrades for me, that'll add 15 points to my GPA, for sale in St Louis in a couple of weeks for an estimated $56,000 but it will only move me up one notch in the registry. Does anybody think I should go for it? Any encouragement will be greatly appreciated!
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
And the quarters are still a mystery.
This forum was much different in the earlier days.
There was more open and honest opinions, exchanges between members. I always looked forward to Mitchs' posts for those eluding modern coins. As I recall he and High Desert would start some banter that would end up being a flavor of the week and stir some great debates.
Even a little poking at PCGS on topics as their standards in motion was always understood by the powers that be, that graders are human and grading in itself is an art demanding great skill, science not included
As the rate of members grew, a few of the early posters withdrew, most likely moving on to other interests. I think some newer members perceived posts like the grading one mentioned above, meant it was ok to bash PCGS any where any time. Not all, but some threads took on a different role and IMO forced PCGS to stand up for themselves against those that were being too harsh. Some were warned with the Bermuda vacation, others needed a firmer hand and were steered in another direction, permanently. With the fear of banishment to exile island and the rules having to be posted at the top of this forum is just a sign of the times.
p.s. Is the grass any greener on the other side with NGC? Once there most likely not
My Washington Type B/C Set
At exactly three minutes and four seconds after 2A.M.,
on the 6th of May this year, the time and date will be
02:03:04 05/06/07. This will not happen again until the year 3007.
This simply tells me that there are a few UNREGISTERED players now building top flight sets of Jeffs. Especially because most of the low pop coins went for very strong money in that last auction. These players obviously do not want to be known at this time. Still, I am not sure this proves anything concerning registry interest?
There were as many as four or five great threads at a time and the tone was usually better.
<< <i>There was a brief time when I looked forward more to coming here than even the coin forum.
There were as many as four or five great threads at a time and the tone was usually better. >>
Well..............I'd post more threads on "what high quality Jefferson nickels look like" but nobody wants to lay their cards out to let everyone know what's in their collection. We have too many folks with overgraded coins hiding behind what's on the label. We don't have any kind of pact among true collectors here who have a "coin hobby" desire to know who has the best coins. They take it for granted at the integrity of the hobby because they didn't spend their money wisely, they don't want to take a loss because they haven't learned the hard truth yet. Here, all we hear is, "I made a pop top! What you don't hear, is what a true collector will tell you, whether that coin is an awesome example of an EDS strike, markfree surfaces and eye appeal. Those are the seeds that drives/flies a collector across the country to see those great coins and meet that person..................., I'd like to go on and on about integrity in the hobby but there's really not many here who really care.
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
I guess I'm one of the 'old-timers' here.
Every once in a while I review old PM & really miss some of the guys who really helped me out when I was first starting.
Some might still be around, just not as involved, or have gone to another sight.....bstat1020, Endocrinologist, ElectricEye; and especially, for me, K6AZ & PQpeace.
I'm sure there are others I missed, and some I've omitted because they're still active here.
It may just be me, but it seemed that this site was mostly collectors back 5 years or so, maybe a dealer or 2 (or so it seemed).
Members were trading and selling here. Things were jumping. It seemed rare to have a thread TTT more than a few times.
I can't remember different 'clique's', disagreement, yes. But never to the point where as soon as a member you had a disagreement with posted you jump on and badmouth him. Then again, I was rarely on the OF.
No offense to anyone here, but it seems everyone is selling on eBay.
Of course there are coins being sold here, and maybe it's because I no longer need so many coins for my registry sets, or because my cash reserves have dwindled down, but my general feeling is that things have slowed down.......alot.
Need to borrow my cane and glasses?
Got the glasses, got an extra cane?
<< <i>date-n-shill >>
Later, Paul.
Later, Paul.
I purchased one FS Jefferson nickel from the Baltimore auction. It was a PCGS MS67FS 1941P. It was not part of the Jefferson Gems set according to the auction listing. The coin has 6 full steps, a full strike, and booming luster. There are no ticks, nicks, bridges, or merges in the steps. This was a "lateral" upgrade for me as I already had a PCGS MS67FS 1941P.
Ray Overby
This sounds way more like current events than the good old days?
Had to sound in........I haven't posted much in the last year. I have been lurking alittle but it just hasn't been like the good old days.
I will be talking to you son Mark........(Call me <<<< 805 878-7272) Walt
My wife had already told a similar brain teaser
My Washington Type B/C Set
<< <i>Leon,
I purchased one FS Jefferson nickel from the Baltimore auction. It was a PCGS MS67FS 1941P. It was not part of the Jefferson Gems set according to the auction listing. The coin has 6 full steps, a full strike, and booming luster. There are no ticks, nicks, bridges, or merges in the steps. This was a "lateral" upgrade for me as I already had a PCGS MS67FS 1941P.
Ray Overby >>
Hi Ray
I've notice a few others doing the same with lateral upgrades. They're getting wiser with what's in demand..........high quality examples! But we still have a few slab buyers around. Did you run into a little trouble in Baltimore with some guy from (I won't say) who bought into alot of the pop tops out of the Jefferson Gems collection. Oh well, he'll eventually learn if any of his stuff will actually hold the test of time. Also met AC and saw some of his collection. He also does lateral upgrades and has one of the best collections I've seen, right up there with yourself and Corso. But Corso has a little lateral upgrading to do. The CSNS show lacked quality stuff as well. Heard the 1947-S PCGS MS67FS was an excellent coin. Some dealer had several high graded MS66FS 1962's and two were added to a couple of registry sets. Said they all came from one roll. How often does that happen? Same thing has happened with the 1949-D/S.
I was able to locate one coin in a 1955-D PCGS MS65 at the show. The slab appears to have been shuffled around quite a bit. Likely from slab collectors who passed it up because it didn't have the FS designation but I bought it.
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection