O/T Anyone have two people collect the same thing agree to share?
Anyone ever dealt with this guy? bmo15 - eBay user ID
He contacted me about buying a couple cards I had listed and a few more to fill in his 1991 Desert Shield set. I mentioned to him that we'd both cost each other $1000's on these cards by being the only two bidders for months on these cards. I told him we could agree to "half" bulk listings and not drive the prices up on each other. I do this with about 4 other people on these cards. If I see a bid by one of my set registry friends I let them have it. If I bid first, they typically let me have it unless it is ridiculously low, $250 Ryan will draw a $125 bid from anyone! Is this right? Wrong? I don't know but we agreed, ok.
Rewind to a week ago, he says he sending a MO for a couple PSA 10's and some low pop 9's ($230+). I gave him a sweet deal mainly because he agreed to not drive up future purchases of mine. When I receive the MO I contact him. He immediately buys a bunch more out of my store and so he wants me to hold shipping while he sends another MO. Over the two days we are discussing terms he outbids me on about 10-20 singles. Stuff I would have done well on. He cost me maybe $75-$100 on the resale which is more than the profit margin on his cards!! I really didn't lose anything just prospect of making in the future but I'm pissed because I thought we agreed to not do this.
When I next contact him he first inquires if I'm pissed because he knows he broke his word. I mention that I am not happy but I'll live and I expect him to honor the agreement in the future, after all I gave him a sweet deal on the cards I sold him with the understanding I would make out in the end by lowering my cost of purchase on future items.
Ok, fast forward to today, I have cashed his first MO ($230) and not yet have his second (another $150+). I have yet to ship him anything. Last night he outbids me on 14 more singles and again costs me maybe $100 in potential profit on resale. WTF??
Now honestly I have people beating down my doors to buy most of the cards I agreed to sell him and so I'm considering just sending his money back and nixing the whole deal. I'm so pissed I feel like sending him all but the PSA 10's he really wants and selling them to other set registry guys...who by the way really want the cards and will pay more.
I knowingly agreed to a lower sale price with the understanding that I would save money in the future with lower acquisition costs but this is obviously not going to happen. He knows I agreed to lowest sales price as a concession to him not bidding up my items.
I'm guess I'm just pissed and frustrated and not really sure what to do about it.
Any thoughts?
He contacted me about buying a couple cards I had listed and a few more to fill in his 1991 Desert Shield set. I mentioned to him that we'd both cost each other $1000's on these cards by being the only two bidders for months on these cards. I told him we could agree to "half" bulk listings and not drive the prices up on each other. I do this with about 4 other people on these cards. If I see a bid by one of my set registry friends I let them have it. If I bid first, they typically let me have it unless it is ridiculously low, $250 Ryan will draw a $125 bid from anyone! Is this right? Wrong? I don't know but we agreed, ok.
Rewind to a week ago, he says he sending a MO for a couple PSA 10's and some low pop 9's ($230+). I gave him a sweet deal mainly because he agreed to not drive up future purchases of mine. When I receive the MO I contact him. He immediately buys a bunch more out of my store and so he wants me to hold shipping while he sends another MO. Over the two days we are discussing terms he outbids me on about 10-20 singles. Stuff I would have done well on. He cost me maybe $75-$100 on the resale which is more than the profit margin on his cards!! I really didn't lose anything just prospect of making in the future but I'm pissed because I thought we agreed to not do this.
When I next contact him he first inquires if I'm pissed because he knows he broke his word. I mention that I am not happy but I'll live and I expect him to honor the agreement in the future, after all I gave him a sweet deal on the cards I sold him with the understanding I would make out in the end by lowering my cost of purchase on future items.
Ok, fast forward to today, I have cashed his first MO ($230) and not yet have his second (another $150+). I have yet to ship him anything. Last night he outbids me on 14 more singles and again costs me maybe $100 in potential profit on resale. WTF??
Now honestly I have people beating down my doors to buy most of the cards I agreed to sell him and so I'm considering just sending his money back and nixing the whole deal. I'm so pissed I feel like sending him all but the PSA 10's he really wants and selling them to other set registry guys...who by the way really want the cards and will pay more.
I knowingly agreed to a lower sale price with the understanding that I would save money in the future with lower acquisition costs but this is obviously not going to happen. He knows I agreed to lowest sales price as a concession to him not bidding up my items.
I'm guess I'm just pissed and frustrated and not really sure what to do about it.
Any thoughts?
Kirby Puckett Master Set
Hes buying them to collect. You are buying them to flip. How is he taking your profit?
He gave his word, didn't honor it, and then did it again. Agreed that you're buying to flip and he's buying to keep, but the issue here is honor.
Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's
Honestly, I don't care if he's collecting or flipping. He and I discussed that I was giving him a low price on items for his personal collection with the understanding that we would not bid up cards we were planning to flip; of which all 8's would be. Griffins, agreed.
baseballfanatic, you say you'd outbid anyone on their profit resale...sure but you wouldn't lie to someone about it would you? Tell them you wouldn't bid just to get a cheaper price on a few items...I don't think you would.
Kirby Puckett Master Set
<< <i>Talk to him on the phone. Explain the situation. He may or may not be reasonable. Did you contact him SPECIFICALLY regarding the cards you were going to be bidding on? How is he to know what you're thinking? >>
We agreed that the first one to find the bulk listing bids on what they want - just not all of it, I bid on about a third of the listings. It's not like he talked to me about it as I placed these bids 6 days ago and he sniped me....he obviously saw my bids for 6 days and thought....I'll just take these for myself! Right? Any ethical person would have called me to discuss, right? Last time he violated our agreement he also sniped me. I just don't think he cares.
I already talked to him once, its not about working with him...that's over. Now its about damage control.
I have an oppurtunity to make some other decent people happy if I canel this sale which is what I'm considering.
Kirby Puckett Master Set
True you do save money on the day to day cards, but its not worth it in the long run.
Ask Stalin if he would trust Hitler again after invading Russia. No way. Send him the cards he bought from you, but the gloves are off now.
Go get em tiger
<< <i>Sounds like you are both in the same game. Who has the higher profit marin; who can sell for more? >>
Card flipping has never been about selling, it has always been about buying right. I did this for 15 years at shows. I've been out of the game for about 10-12 years having kids and building a business. I'm back in for fun and I use the profit to fill up my puckett regustry.
I don't mind some friendly competition as he and I have been going at it for 6 months and made 4SC and others some good coin bidding up their items. If we didn't have an agreement I wouldn't even think twice about it. There is a very limited window to make a profit here as the pop report is filling up as these cards hit PSA at a rate of 1000 a month due in no small part to 4SC.
Kirby Puckett Master Set
I "share" with 3+ other FF collectors. Sometimes a new user pops up, then a new acct. pops up same day, bidding $40 on a card I think only I see the difference. Hmm. So much for loyalty eh? The rest of them all hold their word and I do as well.
Another guy and I "share". I passed on many other 1/1 Dodger cards he picked up cheap but we spoke and I said Im done buying cheap 1/1 Dodgers for my boys and want to focus on 05 BDP Martin. All of them. So a 1/1 is put on a BIN and he scoops it up then a patch card Im bidding on gets raised by him to $100+ He said I just want one. Sorry pal they're all different so I want them all. I won it at $108. Should of been $40-$75 max.
I agreed to sell him two PSA 10's at $230. No agreement other than for these two cards and $230. I'm going to honor that deal and ship the cards. These are the two cards he wants the most as they are 1/1 and 1/2. I've already cashed his MO so I'll get these in the mail ASAP.
The second group of cards are ultra lol pop 9's. A lot of 1/3 and 1/4 with no 10's where all others are already in the top two registry sets. I keep a spreadsheet of cost and I sold him the whole lot at cost $130 where I could make $5 a card if listed on eBay, even after fees. We discussed I was doing this as part of our agreement to "share" parts of bulk lots. I will cancel this sale and return him his MO when I receive it. This was a private sale off of eBay so no fear of neg feedback.
He also has three items of mine he has won but failed to pay for yet, I give 7 days to pay and its only been 4 so no big deal, and I will either sell them at the closing price if paid in time or cancel by filing non-paying bidder after 7 days.
I will then need to block him from bidding on my items (not sure how to do this but eBay will assist me I'm sure).
I will bid up his items and likely cost him $1000's of dollars. Unfortunatly he'll likely return the favor and I'll just cool off from this set for awhile.
I hate to do it this way but it is what feels right.
Kirby Puckett Master Set
You cannot do good business, with a bad man.
Screw that collector. Don't send another thing to him and bid his stuff up to the max so he pays more.
MY GOLD TYPE SET https://pcgs.com/setregistry/type-sets/complete-type-sets/gold-type-set-12-piece-circulation-strikes-1839-1933/publishedset/321940