Ebay picture question

Does anyone know how I can use multiple pictures from my own hosting service in Ebay listings? Whenever I go to 'use your own pictures' I just get that one little box to put a URL in, and I can't figure out how to put in multiple URL's.
If so, just put a space or a shift-return between the code.
Otherwise, you can enter the pix in one at a time.
to the right until you get to the end of the first line
of code. Then, make a space. (It works like the
extended title box on the CU boards.)
You should be able to load more than one picture in there.
You can type html directly into the description.
Use the <img> tag and indicate the Web address for the picture.
<img> <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/images/yourpicture.jpg">
Your picture should appear at the spot where your tag is listed.
Create your auction in another application like front page or dreamweaver and then cut/paste the HTML into the ebay description.