Need a little help...

I came across some cards (most are from the 90's era - all sports) and was wondering if there is any reason to try and unload them? Is there any interest in the hobby for these cards/years? Any help is appreciated.

"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!

"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!

Card condition.
Folks will need more details to help.
There is a Antawn Jamison SP Authentic 1999, Predrag Stojakovic SP Authentic 1999, Dirk Nowitzki SP Authentic 1999 (x2), Baron Davis SPx 1999 (has autograph), Tracy McGrady Masters Year??? (#85 of 280), Kevin Garnett premier SP prospects 1996 (x2), John Stockton Fleer 1988, Chris Webber Topps Finest 1994 ... tons more should I bother to list any more or just forget it? As for condition I don't really know, all look basically good (they are all in hard plastic type sleeves. My guess is to just throw em back in the box and forget about it right?
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
<< <i>Yep.
Steve >>
OK, thanks. I figured there was probably not much interest but thought I would ask. Trash goes out tomorrow so I can clear out some more room in the garage.
Thanks again.
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
Also, GoodWill or Salvation Army will give
you a tax-receipt for them.
The should also be searched for autos, and/or
other "special" stuff.
good luck
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
I'll be happy to take them off your hands.
OK here is some more pics of some....
There are 2 of the Garnett Premier, 2 of the Nash Draft Pick, the McGrady is the one that says 85 of 289 (has a box on the back in the bottom that says card 316 theme m44 and rare refactor), and the James is numbered on the back 1982/2500
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
Those two Dirk cards book for around $75 each as one poster said. Arod is around the same. Not exactly garbage cards.
To prove that I am telling the truth, here is a link to an Arod card just like yours, selling for $51 on Ebay....Arod SP RC
If you have any more questions, please feel free to post here or PM myself or the other poster who offered to help.
<< <i>No, your not the butt of a joke. Those cards are worth keeping and trying to sell. There are people on here who would pay you cash for those, and I am sure you could make some money on Ebay. I think some of our board members may not be up to date on the newer card market.
Those two Dirk cards book for around $75 each as one poster said. Arod is around the same. Not exactly garbage cards.
To prove that I am telling the truth, here is a link to an Arod card just like yours, selling for $51 on Ebay....Arod SP RC
If you have any more questions, please feel free to post here or PM myself or the other poster who offered to help. >>
Thank you for updating me. Should I take more pics or just say what I have (best I can)?
I found some more autographed cards
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
You can post pics or give us a list the best you can, what ever works best for you. Either way, I will do what I can to help you.
BTW....beautiful dog!
Thanks again
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
The Kevin Garnett you posted earlier books for around $65. You can get all of these prices at Tuff Stuff
Not the most accurate guide, but it will give you an idea of what stuff may sell and what won't. And the online guide is free. That is where I am getting these prices I am quoting you from.
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
If you have a price in mind for all the basketball cards, let me know. Or if you want to sell them individually, I'd be interested in a few as well. thanks
Thank you again.
"The Villain"
Shiba Rescue Organization
A Shiba Inu is a terrible thing to waste!
Sorry if you were steered in the wrong direction by
my comment regarding the donation of your cards.
My good-faith suggestion was made in the context
of the initial post indicating that the cards were of
little value AND your post about throwing the
cards away.
ALL discovered cards should always be researched
on EBAY and in price-guides, BEFORE they are disposed
of. I thought I made that point, but I should have
been more emphatic.
I almost got booted when I uploaded that pic as my avatar....
I can't believe they didn't take it out of the avatar pool.
My Auctions
<< <i>Hey orange...
I almost got booted when I uploaded that pic as my avatar....
I can't believe they didn't take it out of the avatar pool. >>
Lord of the Flies?