Psa Quick Opinion Questions
Can you get The Psa Quick Opinion without selling on E-bay ?
I have about a dozen or so autographs I was wanting to try and sell off E-bay and wondered if I could get a Quick Opinion without listing it on E-bay ?
I have about a dozen or so autographs I was wanting to try and sell off E-bay and wondered if I could get a Quick Opinion without listing it on E-bay ?

This is not a service we offer the seller of the item.
If you would like to have something authenticated by PSA/DNA you can submit the items directly to us.
For more information on submitting items please see the PSA/DNA website or contact customer service at 800-325-1121.
I did not know that.
I have seen, in the past, sellers stating in their listings
that QO said "likely genuine."
Posting autos here for comparison to member-owned PSA/DNA
items is often a help.
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
<< <i>"Quick Opinion is exclusive to eBay for buyers only."
I did not know that.
I have seen, in the past, sellers stating in their listings
that QO said "likely genuine."
Posting autos here for comparison to member-owned PSA/DNA
items is often a help. >>
When they come to our attention they will be submitted to be pulled.
Quick Opinion isn't a full authentication so a seller shouldn't be using it as such.
Plus there is no type of certification given with a Quick Opinion so there is no way to prove a quick opinion was done or if it was done for that item which could be misleading to the buyer.
It would seem that if I have an autograph that I would like an opinion on, but is not worth the price I would have to pay for a full blown authentication, a Quick Opinion would be the smart way to go.
And it is a win/win for everyone involved. The person gets the opinion they are looking for, PSA/DNA makes money on the opinion and Ebay gets the cost of a listing.
<< <i>May I ask why this is for buyers only?
It would seem that if I have an autograph that I would like an opinion on, but is not worth the price I would have to pay for a full blown authentication, a Quick Opinion would be the smart way to go.
And it is a win/win for everyone involved. The person gets the opinion they are looking for, PSA/DNA makes money on the opinion and Ebay gets the cost of a listing. >>
As I stated in an earlier post there is nothing to prove the quick opinion is for that piece from a sellers. As for why, I can't answer that fully as I'm not involved in the why's but that is the service we offer through eBay.
Edited to add: While not everyone is out to take advantage of people it does happen and who's to say that opinion is for that item. When a buyer does quick opinion they send us the item number to look at and we comment on that item pictured. As always, people could be showing one scan but selling something else. We also offer a rebate of the Quick Opinion fees from the full authentication fees when the buyer sends it in for a full authentication.