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Grandpa Just Died Left Me An Old Autographed Baseball, I Need Some Help Though... (PICS)

Hey fellow collectors,
As the title states my Grandpa just died and left me this autographed baseball.
Now I don't know anything about autographed balls/authentication, so I was hoping to get some general input/advice about the ball.
The only "authentication" that was left with the ball was a note stating its from the 50's or 60's and it was from the NY Mets.
Ball looks really old, and some of the auto's are faded, but overall good shape.
I have not a clue if that is true, or is this thing is really autographed or not, thats why I am here.

Any input/advice is appreciated.

Sorry about the pic tags.

Feel free to PM me or email if you know anything....

animalmystic (at) hotmail.com








  • jrinckjrinck Posts: 1,321 ✭✭
    Looks like printed sigs--probably a souvenir ball sold at Shea in the late 60's, going by some of the names. If so, it wouldn't have much value, I'd imagine.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    Some of the sigs look printed.

    Some look signed.

    I dunno.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.

  • << <i>Looks like printed sigs--probably a souvenir ball sold at Shea in the late 60's, going by some of the names. If so, it wouldn't have much value, I'd imagine. >>

    Thanks, thats what I was afraid of.
    I didn't know they sold printed souvenir balls back then. Oh well it was worth a shot.
    I appreciate the input.
  • Looks like real signs to me. Besides, whos grandfather dies and leaves them a printed ball..... The fourth photo down looks the most real, cause the signs have faded. Though maybe that's the side face up in the windowsill.
  • StumpStump Posts: 927
    Looks like maybe 60's. I see Ed Kranepool Tug Mcgraw and Ron Swoboda. I know Kranepools rookie was 63 and I am thing Swoboda and MCgraw may be 65

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  • Tedw9Tedw9 Posts: 1,424 ✭✭
    I am certain that it is a souviner ball that has preprinted sigs. Nice ball, but no real autographs on there.

    Looking for Carl Willey items.
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭
    I've never seen a tug mcgraw that looked like that, I have one from 1969 and it looks a lot like his later ones without the smiley face. I also think it's a pre=printed ball.

  • pomobileclkpomobileclk Posts: 224 ✭✭✭
    Its a machine stamped baseball from 1966. Lou Klimchock (fourth photo) only played for the Mets in 1966.
  • The Mets weren't around until 1962.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Yep 1966

    kranepool actually played in 62 fwiw.

    Good for you.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    Sorry to hear about your grampas passing.

    Real autos or not, a ball left by your grampa is so awsome.

  • From the names I can make out and the rosters from the time period I would say it is a 1966 repo.
  • MooseDogMooseDog Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭
    It's definitely a pre-printed souvenir ball. These kinds of balls were widely available at souvenir stands at the ballpark. The distinctive feature is that the signatures are placed all over the ball wherever they will fit. However, being that it is the Mets, it still might have a value of ~$50 or so - maybe more, and it appears to be in great shape. Whomever bought it obviously didn't take it out and play with it (like I did).

    Those NY fans (Mets and Yanks) can go nutso in an auction if they really wants something.

    Other posters seem to have the year zeroed in. Seems to be 1966 to me too. Here are the names in case anyone is interested starting with the top pic.

    Johnny Lewis
    Dave Eilers
    John Stephenson
    Clarence Coleman (Choo Choo)
    Lawrence Berra (Yogi)

    Jim Hickman
    Jerry Grote
    Dick Selma ?
    Jack Fisher
    ? (can't see)
    ? (can't see)

    Roy McMillan
    Larry Bearnarth
    Ed Kranepool
    Wesley Westrm (manager in '66)
    Ken Boyer ? (can't really see fully but it looks like his K)

    Cleon Jones
    Ron Swoboda
    Lou Klimchock
    Gordon Richardson
    Dick Stuart

  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I also feel this is a facsimile-signature ball; it has all the signs (no pun intended). One dead-giveaway for me is the Berra sig. When did Yogi ever sign "Larry" Berra (at least after maybe his rookie year)?

  • Thanks for all of the input from everybody, your guys knowledge is amazing! Thanks for the comments.
    The general consensus is that its a preprinted ball, which is cool, I wish it was real and I had a real treasure, but still cool none the less.
    Thanks again.
  • Absolutely a machine printed ball. Not a real sig on there.

  • << <i>Thanks for all of the input from everybody, your guys knowledge is amazing! Thanks for the comments.
    The general consensus is that its a preprinted ball, which is cool, I wish it was real and I had a real treasure, but still cool none the less.
    Thanks again. >>

    your grandfather probably treasured this in some way and he gave it to you, so it is a real treasure.
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  • RipkenRipken Posts: 559 ✭✭✭
    Not a lot of value, but it is 40 years old and a nice keepsake. Hang onto it.
  • Cokin75Cokin75 Posts: 243 ✭✭
    I'll concur that it's a stadium ball. Much greater sentimental value than sale value.

    By the way, is anyone else irked at how often these balls are marketed on Ebay as "real"? Some of them end of going for huge money, and it drives me nuts. Anyone with half a trained eye can see these from a mile away, but newbies often get taken advantage of....
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