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Military medal Korea

Hi. This is a historical question so I decided to post this on the world forum. Can you help me find more detail on this medal? Link

I wonder where this from. Already visited the 17INFT site and nothing there.



  • Rickc300Rickc300 Posts: 876 ✭✭
    Trying to find out if anyone has known knowledge of 17th Infantry issuing "coins" to any of their troops. Have read where a COL "Buffalo Bill" Quin had them made during the Korean War. Coin has a picture of a buffalo on one side and 1950 1952 KOREA on the other side. Trying to get actual stories on these coins and if anyone knows where I might be able to get one of these original coins (Google search).

    The buffalo, shown on the blue shield bellow the stone wall represents the Regiments glorious history in the Korean war. The "Buffalo" nick name was adopted after one of the Regiments Commanding Officers in the Korean war, Col. William W. "Buffalo Bill" Quinn (another Google search).

    I dont know the exact tradition or history of the 17th Inf Buffalo nickle, but they were first handed out to men of the 17th during the Korean War shortly after the Reg adopted the BUFFALO .. I have several different ones.. they have different dates on them. One has 1950 - 1953, one has 1950 - 1958, one with an old crest (minus the buffalo), and the other has "1st Battalion" stamped on it.. these were not real "buffalo nickels" but were pretty close to the real thing. Instead of the Indian on the front side, there was a picture of the 17th Inf crest. All of the samples that I have, have a hole drilled in them, I'm assuming so you could wear them on your dogtags... (once again another Google search).

    I received a Buffalo Nickle when I first arrived at Camp Kaiser (with a hole drilled in it) so you could wear it with your dogtags. I was told by the sgt. that gave it to me that any time you are out (EM club) for us. If you ask another Buffalo GI if he has his Nickle with him, and he does, you buy him a beer. If he doesn't he owes you a beer. I ran into an old friend I served with in Korea about 20 years later and one of the first things he ask was "do you have your nickle" And I said "yes" because I still had it and I still carried it.
    He bought me a beer.

    Here is a LINK to the quotes above, I really hope you bought the "coin" if it meant anything to you in the way of memories. I have found some of the things my Grandfather talked about from WWII, and am still looking for more. I guess I became a collector of world coins from that era due to his stories to a wide eyed child soaking in history... I have his two purple hearts and ribbons from wounds received in the European theater of action.

    Thank you to all of our vets from all of "our wars" !!!!!!!!!


    PS-no spelling corrections from the original postings on the websites, I just copied and pasted...
    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting that vote. Benjamin Franklin - 1779

    1836 Capped Liberty
    dime. My oldest US
    detecting find so far.
    I dig almost every
    signal I get for the most
    part. Go figure...
  • image

    image When I was there the country name was spelled with a "K".

  • lathmachlathmach Posts: 4,720
    Interesting. I didn't know this.
    My brother Gene was in K Company, 17th Regiment, 7th Inf Div. during the Korean War.
    He fought in the battle of the Alligators Jaw, Outpost Dale, and the last battle of Pork Chop Hill, among others. He had pictures of Old Baldy, but I don't know for sure if he fought there.
    The U.S. never was able to take Old Baldy from the Chinese, and lost a lot of Infantry and Marines trying.
    Gene was in the bayonet charge up Pork Chop hill to drive the Chinese off.
    He had a letter from the Department of the Army for it. That was the only bayonet charge the U.S. has made since the Civil War.
    Okay, you can have your thread back.


  • << <i>Interesting. I didn't know this.
    My brother Gene was in K Company, 17th Regiment, 7th Inf Div. during the Korean War.
    He fought in the battle of the Alligators Jaw, Outpost Dale, and the last battle of Pork Chop Hill, among others. He had pictures of Old Baldy, but I don't know for sure if he fought there.
    The U.S. never was able to take Old Baldy from the Chinese, and lost a lot of Infantry and Marines trying.
    Gene was in the bayonet charge up Pork Chop hill to drive the Chinese off.
    He had a letter from the Department of the Army for it. That was the only bayonet charge the U.S. has made since the Civil War.
    Okay, you can have your thread back.

    Ray >>

    Thank you for sharing this with me and the forum. I bought the coin because I like us historical medals and I think it is the real deal. Very interesting piece of history. Okay with that said. I want to pass this medal on to a Korea veteran. Know anyone who would like this?

    Thank you Rickc300 for the links and info!
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