Enjoy watching vintage baseball ?-YANKEEOGRAPHYS

I know how much some people hate the Yankees, but if your a lover of baseball you have to watch "Yankeeographys"-I get them on the YES network on cable living in New York-I believe they sell them at Models sporting goods on DVD and you can probably find them on ebay or amazon.com....they are well done and have some great vintage footage...last night I watched the Yankeeography on Reggie Jackson..wow ..that brought back some childhood memories..do you guys remember when Regggie stuck out his hip in the world series against the Dodgers to deflect the ball being thrown to first base from second?? Tommy lasorda goes crazy !!!!!
I forgot all about that play...and those world series home runs...4 in a row...what a stud !
How about Billy Martin pulling him out of right field during the game....was that Paul Blair who was sent in?
I have also seen the Yankeeography on Catfish Hunter,Thurman Munson,Babe Ruth,Greg Nettles and Joe D
The Catfish Hunter one was very sad ....such a "good old boy" playing hard and dying a hard death.It was so sad seeing him in his prime then watching him so sick,that he could lift his arms or put on a jacket by himself...
I love watching the old film footage-the uniforms,players, fans -Reggie lays out a fan in a green jacket trying to run to the dugout after a world series victory in new york...I mean he hits this guy like a tank....reminds me of Ray lewis crushing someone...just seeing that was worth a laugh...I have a Rolling Stones dvd where Keith Richards swings his guitar like a baseball bat to take out a fan who got on stage...Keith has a good swing but Reggie mowing over the fan in green jacket was better....
Enjoy Scott
I forgot all about that play...and those world series home runs...4 in a row...what a stud !
How about Billy Martin pulling him out of right field during the game....was that Paul Blair who was sent in?
I have also seen the Yankeeography on Catfish Hunter,Thurman Munson,Babe Ruth,Greg Nettles and Joe D
The Catfish Hunter one was very sad ....such a "good old boy" playing hard and dying a hard death.It was so sad seeing him in his prime then watching him so sick,that he could lift his arms or put on a jacket by himself...
I love watching the old film footage-the uniforms,players, fans -Reggie lays out a fan in a green jacket trying to run to the dugout after a world series victory in new york...I mean he hits this guy like a tank....reminds me of Ray lewis crushing someone...just seeing that was worth a laugh...I have a Rolling Stones dvd where Keith Richards swings his guitar like a baseball bat to take out a fan who got on stage...Keith has a good swing but Reggie mowing over the fan in green jacket was better....
Enjoy Scott