Why are PSE registry set census #s inaccurate?
in Stamps Forum
I've noticed this for some time. The pop higher numbers don't seem to update other than if you make a stamp upgrade when that particular stamp will then show new current numbers.
Another problem I see is the error message you get if you try and click open the comments box to read extended comments for a stamp.
The PSE registry would be much nicer if it didn't have these problems.
I've noted two PSE errors recently. I added a PSE 98 stamp to one of my sets but on the registry it clicked in as a PSE 95. I had to fax the cert to the registry customer service staff to have the PSE database corrected. The other PSE error I've seen was in a Sam Houston offering where a C 54 was listed as a C 55. I mentioned this to them in an e mail and they thanked me. It was a PSE error they hadn't picked up on.
As far as the registry pop numbers... even the Steve Crippe system is sometimes giving out inaccurate info. I don't see the point of PSE not updating these pop numbers. Isn't having accurate pop info a big part of why collectors use the registry?