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So excited!!! 3 down, 2 to go!!! Now need help… (Rosen /5)

Hello all, I wanted to share my good luck and ask for a little bit of help.

Any of you who may have looked in the Topps Heritage thread might know I’m a huge Indians fan who is always looking to add special cards to my collection. Well about two weeks ago I was blown away when I pulled this out of a box of 2005 UD Origins:


((( #1/5 ))) image

I went on Ebay later that night to see how many of these /5 cards were bouncing around from the different players and was shocked to find this (which I won cheaper then I figured it would go for)

((( #2/5 ))) image

So happy I was with these beauties sitting on my bookshelf:


Now, two weeks later I am scanning Ebay for Indians autos and what do I see?

((( #4/5 ))) image

Whoo Hoo!!! I couldn’t believe it, and of course had to contact the seller and see if we could set a BIN up for the item! I am pleased to say that as of a few minutes ago #4/5 has been reunited with 2 of his long lost brothers! About 2 weeks and I was able to compile 3 of the 5 ~ I’m just shocked! And he’s an Indian!!! What are the odds?

So I’m now sitting on 3 of the 5 and figure my luck on ebay cant stay like this so here I am. I’m hoping that someone on here may have one of the other two which they would be willing to trade/sell to a Tribe-DieHard who would love to add it to his permanent collection. I know it’s a long shot, but those who don’t try will never succeed so…

If you do happen to have or know of one of the other two please let me know. If its at a card shop or anything I can either contact them directly or whatever and if this is the case I will also reward you with a finding fee gift. I don’t anticipate ever getting any of the others, but you never know ~ after all I never dreamed I would even get a 2nd let alone a 3rd! image

Oh, and of course there is an “origins” version which also numbers to /5 from this set which I would also be interested in if anyone has one of them ~ might as well if I can find um I…

Thank a ton for looking, and please wish me luck
Currently searching for 05 Upper Deck Origins & Old Judge Autos #/5 (Feller, Hafner, V.Martinez & Rosen)
and 06 SP Authentic “By The Numbers” Letter Autos (Sabathia, Hafner, Sowers, V.Martinez & Lee)


  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    That's really great. You should post this to the Beckett board, as well, as there are lots of guys busting boxes there. They may well be able to point you in the right direction.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 2,759 ✭✭✭


    Even though you're kind of a Mr. Piggie-pants ... image
    Pix of 'My Kids'

    "How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
  • That's AWESOME!! Good luck finding the other 2.

    The best I've ever done was having 7 of a 25 print run (2006 Bowman Chrome Orange Refractor Chris Carpenter) and 538 of a 1072 print run (2003 eTopps Champ Bailey).
    White Whales:
    1996 Select Certified Mirror Gold Ozzie Smith
    2006 Bowman Chrome Orange Refractor Chris Carpenter
  • EstilEstil Posts: 7,131 ✭✭✭✭
    I remember reading in Beckett back in late 1997 about this collector who had two out of the three Griffey 1/1's in the Flair Showcase set (the first set to have 1/1's) and even offered up to $15,000+ for the third one that someone in Alaska had, but was turned down. Too bad 1/1's (or even x/5's) don't command that same respect today, eh?

    Anyhoo, good luck getting those other two, but if you ask me you were fortunate enough just to get those three. I mean, what are the odds, you know?
    D's: 50P,49S,45D+S,43D,41S,40D,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
    Q's: 52S,47S,46S,40S,39S,38S,37D+S,36D+S,35D,34D,32D+S
    74T: 241,435,610,654 97 Finest silver: 115,135,139,145,310
    95 Ultra GM Sets: Golden Prospects,HR Kings,On-Base Leaders,Power Plus,RBI Kings,Rising Stars
  • TomTimTomTim Posts: 152 ✭✭✭
    I've got 3 and 5. $10,000 each.

  • Good Luck !!

    I have 3 out of 4 printing plates and still waiting for the last one to pop up.

    My advice......

    -post on Naxcom Buy it Now

    Beckett Message Boards and any other Boards you can find

    post it on ebay want it now

    BUT Id refrain from stating you need 5/5 and 3/5 or saying you have 3 of them as some might jack up the price to a ridiculous level OR compete with you on ebay in hopes of making a buck flipping it to you.

    Id delete your posts and just say your looking for any of the /5 auto cards.

    Best of luck to you.
  • I know, I cant believe I got the first three myself ~ shoot this time last month I never even dreamed of getting 1! I have to admit I'm all gitty inside knowing that I know own 3 of them image

    Yeah, the dollar value means little to me really, its the Indians uniform that holds the special place in my heart. I actually bought a few (about 10) of the Origins boxes and was lucky enough to pull 2 base Victor Martinez autos (you get one auto per box) as well as this buyback 1935 Diamond Stars Hal Trosky:


    They were by far the luckiest boxes I have ever bought and I really was so thankful to be able to add 4 great Indians cards to my collection out of them. To be able to find 2 more of the Rosen /5 cards is just mind blowing though and I'm really just in shock. I doubt I'll ever find #3 & 5 but I really should try at this point, dont you guys agree?

    Well thanks for those kind words everyone (except wolfbear of course image ), and thanks for the advice on the Beckett website ~ I didnt even think about them as I never go there. Anyone happen to have the link for me? image

    Thanks again...hehehe, so happy...

    P.S. ~ Whoo-hoo the signature works image

    P.S.S. ~ oh Ripken you’re right huh... Shoot, I didn’t think about that but I bet there are jerks out there who would do so huh. Well, luckily I'm not going to go nuts with the search though and I do have a set dollar amount in mind that I will not go over for um so even if I do see them and the guy tries to take advantage of me I wont let him... I'm so satisfied with the 3 already, the other 2 would just be icing if I get lucky enough to find um.
    Currently searching for 05 Upper Deck Origins & Old Judge Autos #/5 (Feller, Hafner, V.Martinez & Rosen)
    and 06 SP Authentic “By The Numbers” Letter Autos (Sabathia, Hafner, Sowers, V.Martinez & Lee)
  • Shoot, I didn’t think about that but I bet there are jerks out there who would do so huh--

    Yep. Happened to me. My ebay name is same as PSA so my niche is obvious. I was bidding on a FF card. I wanted card badly and was in a war with another and it was 4X what price should of been. I gave up. Guy offers it to me a week or so later. Said he just found it. I asked for pic. Same card. I emailed him a not so nice email and have yet to see the card for sale and doubt another person will pay what I was willing. ha ha to him. eat it.

    Also I have read about people that track down players and families of players who collect and buy up rare cards/memorbilia and try to flip it to them. I have sold to 2-3 players families and keep a tight lip cuz thats wrong. IMO

    Reminds me of the guy who was in Beckett looking for the last Nolan Ryan Button card. Highly publicized his hunt was so I assume the last card sold for alot more than its worth. But then the jerk who acted like he loved Ryan ebayed it a short time later. sad.

    I have thought about contacting Beckett to do a story on my FF cards to help me locate the last 2 esp. recently when they were doing the player collectors issue but I thought the attention would probally drive the price to a obscene level and Im on a tight budget. Gotta go, I see a old lady in that alley with a big purse !!
  • lilmulelilmule Posts: 1,001 ✭✭✭✭
    I wish you guys the best of luck on completing your cards and plates. If I come across any I will be sure to tell you about it.
    Knotty Hobby Woodworks
    Vintage Rookies
  • Yeah, that is so sad that people would do that ~ but in todays world it doesnt come as much of a surprise I guess... Shoot, the fact that its not all that surprising might even be more sad then the fact that people would go to that extent just to make a buck...

    I guess I got really luck then, when I saw #4/5 listed last night I emailed the seller and gave him a link to the other one I had bought off ebay telling him my story. The 2/5 one cost me $30 on a 7 day auction 2 weeks ago so the demand doesnt drive the price of this card too high and I told him I would increase on that dollar amount, asking if he would sell it for $40 which I figured was a good jump over the last. He agreed knowing I had the other 2 of um, I guess he could have been a jerk and said he wanted more but I dont know if I would have gone more for it anyway as like I mentioned I'm so happy with the first 2 that the 3rd is kind of just icing on the cake.

    Thats great that you have sold to players families, do you try to continue to help them out with rare finds? Thats my big thing, I try to help people find stuff when I know that it would mean something to them and often times when I pull a card I know someone else would appreciate more I let them have it for next to nothing. My Tribe collection is extremely special to me and I figure if I'm able to help someone else add a piece to their similar collections then I'm much more satisfied then if I was to get a few dollars selling it...

    I do think I will continue to promote my search of these cards on this board stating my luck in finding the 3 so far, but I am going to take your advice and not advertise my previous luck on other boards. I honestly would be happy with any Indians /5 Autos and figure I will go about my search in that manor ~ just asking for any of the Origins /5 Indians .

    Good luck on your searches as well! I'm guessing that the "FF" is the notorious "F-Face" card and that the 2 you are looking for are high grade PSAs or something? Of do they actually know how many of them made it into production and you own all but two of them? Either way what a great rare collection that must be! I've never even seen one myself and know that back about the time they were noticed they had an extreme value in Beckett. I know very little about the whole story though and think I should probably check out your site image

    Ok, well thanks again for the kind word to you and everyone else on this thread! Off to Beckett now to create a log-in and skim the waters a bit to see if I might be able to rell one of the others in...
    Currently searching for 05 Upper Deck Origins & Old Judge Autos #/5 (Feller, Hafner, V.Martinez & Rosen)
    and 06 SP Authentic “By The Numbers” Letter Autos (Sabathia, Hafner, Sowers, V.Martinez & Lee)
  • Congrats Shea

    Thats got to be exciting.

    Reds Team Set Collector (Raw)
    Pete Rose PSA Basic Set
    Johnny Bench PSA Basic Set
  • Yeah, they are nice huh Mike. You know how much I love my team so you must realize how special they are to me image

    Hey, did your Reds get there yet? Pretty nice shape for 61s huh, what I have of the set all pretty much look like them so I’m happy with that book. I pulled a few more random items for you and have that Dunn P.P. set aside incase you wanted that as well, let me know if you wanna get some more moving through the mail…

    BTW, you were one of the people I was thinking about when I wrote that last thing about just wanting to help other people build the collection they would cherish image I hope you have as much luck as me with a similar Cincy player!
    Currently searching for 05 Upper Deck Origins & Old Judge Autos #/5 (Feller, Hafner, V.Martinez & Rosen)
    and 06 SP Authentic “By The Numbers” Letter Autos (Sabathia, Hafner, Sowers, V.Martinez & Lee)
  • Shea

    I have not received the cards yet. I live in the sticks so it takes a day or two longer to get my stuff. Let me know when you get yours. I have gone through a couple thousand Indians cards looking for some stuff for you. I found some stuff you might like. Yes, I want the Dunn P.P. we just need to work out the details.

    If I come accross a Rosen /5 it will be headed your way for sure.

    Reds Team Set Collector (Raw)
    Pete Rose PSA Basic Set
    Johnny Bench PSA Basic Set
  • Mike,

    PM headed your way... image

    Currently searching for 05 Upper Deck Origins & Old Judge Autos #/5 (Feller, Hafner, V.Martinez & Rosen)
    and 06 SP Authentic “By The Numbers” Letter Autos (Sabathia, Hafner, Sowers, V.Martinez & Lee)
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Ahh this is great story and what collecting should be about. Origins was a TERRIBLE product and there is plenty of it laying around. Mostly
    likely the other two are sitting waiting to be busted. I would hope that over the fact that a private collector might have one!

    I have been chasing a few printing plate sets and actually have 3 of th 4 on one of them. I search ebay daily..its funny when you are
    stalking these....you have your finger on the enter buttom the whole time.

    I hope you find the other two....then you could destroy 4 of them and own the only 1!

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